Easy FM No More. Replaced by Another Station

When Nation Media Group decided to launch its radio outfit, they decided they’re gonna call it Nation FM.

However a few years down the line, the management decided to re-brand the national radio from its name to programming to content. And that’s what we refer to as Easy FM came into being with its main target being the young and the young-at-heart who find smooth RnB appealing to their souls.

Fast-forward to 2014; Easy FM is being revamped again. From last night Easy FM as you know it was no more. In it’s place comes a new baby, Nation FM, complete with a new logo and programmimg but same frequencies.

This is part of the rebranding that began in earnest in December last year that saw some of the biggest names like Sheila Mwanyigha swept aside and Munene Nyagah transferred to Q FM.

According to sources, the rebranding will go for the next few weeks or months that’s aimed to give the radio station a national feel and outlook. The radio station that was formerly dominated by Rhythm and Blues music will now have more talk and conversation on everyday life occurrences.

News bulletins will be transmitted at the top of every hour with comprehensive 15 minutes bulletins at 1pm and 6pm.

Here’s the new logo;


About this writer:

Jeff Omondi (Writer)