Drum Jam To Take Place This Sunday At Phoenix Theatres!

I read once, that rainmakers knew something that science only found out recently, that drumming a certian rythm causes rain clouds to gather!


You see music is about vibrations and frequencies, if music is played at the same rate as your heartbeat, it relaxes you, the viceversa and it agitates you. Well this art may have been lost in time but the art of drumming has not. This Sunday, join Mathewmatix and his team Drum Jam Inc as they present to you Drum Jam! I do not know if they are responsible for the heavy down pour that has been the bane of our lives for the last two months but one thing I promise is, they will be responsible for you bursting a move! So this Sunday, make your way to Phoenix theatres from 2.00 to 6.00 pm, the charges are only 200 bob. ONLY! Amani Baya will be sworn in the aht ‘King’ of Drumming in Nairobi, Will he be dethroned? Go find out!

Now back to that frequency story. According to a guy called Campbell, ” Music can slow down and equalize brain waves. There are 4 kinds of waves that the brain has. Beta waves, Alpha waves, Theta waves, and Delta waves. All of these waves are measured in hertz. Beta waves range from 14-20 hertz, Alpha waves range from 9 to 13 hertz, Theta waves from 4 to 7 hertz, and Delta from .5-3 hertz. When we focus on daily activities, or experience emotions that are strong, that’s when Beta waves occur. Calmness and having a heightened awareness are part of the Alpha waves, and if you’re in meditation, sleeping, or in an inspiring mood where you’re very creative, that’s when you’re using theta waves, and when you’re in deep sleep, and deep meditation, that’s when delta waves are used.”

He continues to say, “The slower the brain waves, the more relaxed, contended, and peaceful we feel. Common household music, medium paced music, generally has a pulse of about 60 beats per minute, which in turn can shift from the beta waves to the alpha waves. This is in certain types of music like Baroque, and New Age type music. This will increase alertness and things of that sort. If you’re listening to a Shamanic drumbeat, your waves may drop into the theta range, which would in turn, alert your state of consciousness. Because a Shamanic drumbeat alters your hearing, because it’s so different than other types of music…” Fascinating huh?

About this writer:

Kibali Moreithi (Writer)