Don’t Miss Out On This Creative Camp

Interacteam Media announces the launch of Interacteam Creative Arts Camp that will take place by Lake Elementaita from the 15th to the 22nd of July 2012. Participants will stay in Eagle’s Point, a camp by the lake, in between Naivasha and Nakuru, approximately 126 miles from Nairobi.

This will be an opportunity to spend a week nurturing and developing artistic talent. Participants will be able to hone their skills in photography, film, acting for stage, acting for film, choreography, dance, voice, instrumentals and design.

A team of exceptional and internationally trained artists will facilitate the process. Among the facilitators are two directors who recently represented Kenya and Uganda at the Sundance Institute’s first ever stage director’s lab, Rogers Otieno and Aida Mbowa. Other facilitators of note include filmmaker and photographer, Philippa Ndisi-Hermann, choreographer Jackson Atulo, percussionist Kevin Chagala, and singer-songwriter and poet Asali Msanii.

The camp will cultivate leadership, innovation and problem-based experiential learning skills as the group engages with the surrounding Rift valley communities, tackling regional problems using all the artistic skills at their disposal.
The camp is the perfect opportunity for those who thirst for creative expression and cultural exchange.
Charges for the camp are Kshs. 22,500/-. As a requirement, half the fee, Kshs. 11,250/- must be paid as a deposit upon registration.

For more information, CLICK HERE to go to the website of Interactive Camp 

About this writer:

Kevin Oyugi