Doctors Perform An Operation On Janet Kanini To Insert A Small Disc In Her Chest (Photos)

She’s perhaps the bravest cancer patient we have ever seen. Janet Kanini keeps on updating Kenyans about every step of her treatment.

Last Sunday, Kenyans from all walks of life gathered at the Carnivore Grounds to show support to the ailing NTV host. And Kanini was EXTREMELY grateful for what Kenyans did for her.

Yesterday, the N Soko Property Show host went under the knife at a Nairobi hospital. Doctors inserted a chemo port into her upper right chest.

A chemo port is a small disc made of plastic or metal that sits just under the skin and which connects to large veins. Chemotherapy medicines are given through a special needle that fits right into the chemo pot.

Kanini says the surgery left her right arm vein blocked and black since her first chemo. But she’s in good shape anyway soldiering on with her treatment.



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Martin Oduor

Ultimate keyboard ninja dedicated to bringing you the juiciest stories on blogosphere