“Do Not Insult The Breasts That Once Gave You Pleasure” Senator Janet Ongera Tells Isaac Mwaura

Nominated MP Hon. Isaac Mwaura has received a sharp rebuke from his former ODM colleague, nominated senator Janet Ongera.

Isaac Mwaura was among the several defectors who moved from ODM to the moneyed halls of Jubilee in the wake of the new political party launch. He however, perhaps more than others owe their current standing in the political field to the ODM party and Janet Ongera has been quick to remind him of it.

Hon. Janet Ongera reminded him in a concise post full of choice imagery the message will sure hit home.

As the nominated MP guns for the Roysambu parliamentary position on a JAP one can only hope he will be successful for he stands to be one great looser and be an object of ridicule. Here is what Hon. Janet Ongera said to him;


About this writer:

Liatema Munyu