Did You Know Size 8 Started Singing at Church Crusades?!

In an interview with NTV’s Lolani Kalu, Size 8 explained the genesis of her career, musical journey and revealed that she started singing, not only in church, but also in crusades.

“Nilianza tukiwa church nilikuwa naimba. Nilikuwa naenda crusades pia naimba (I started out in church, I used to sing there. I also used to go to crusades to sing),” she said.

She then explains how she really got into the industry, “Ngoma yangu ya kwanza ilikuwa Size 8, hapo ndio jina yangu ilitoka. Halafu hiyo ingine ni Shamba Boy, hiyo ndiyo ilikuwa hit (My first song was Size 8, that’s where I got my name. The next one was Shamba Boy, that was the hit),” she explained.

About this writer:

Adam Wagwau (Writer)