Did Someone Forget To Forcibly Undress Boniface Mwangi’s Mom For This Photo???

Women have scored even more support from yet another powerful voice-Boniface Mwangi. And keeping with the harrowing story that occupied much of Kenyan’s psyche today,Boniface Mwangi,the fearless activist,has thrown his influential weight behind Women!

To further emphasize just how stupid and thickheaded any man who strips a woman for wearing a mini-skirt is,Activist Boniface Mwangi has gone ahead and,digging from the burrows of his Family archives,shared a photo of HIS OWN Mother dressed in quite a tiny mini-skirt way back in 1973! Whoa!

Boniface shared that photo on twitter to further stamp the fact that UNDRESSING A WOMAN for her independent choice of dressing is not only stupid but uncouth and savage.

Heck,How come in a progressive age as 2014,Women are still judged by the choice of their attire and yet in 1973,sooooooooo many decades ago,Our Mothers would walk around freely in Mini-skirts and tiny dresses?? NONSENSE!

And if You go some decades back,African Women used to actually walk NAKED! Full naked! With only a dangling string holding their privates parts together!

How come it was OK to walk around like that in such a retrogressive society but now it is WRONG for them to do just what Our Mothers have always done!??

Its 2014 for Chrisstakes! Nothing can justify this street hooliganism in the name of morality. Boniface’s Mother wasn’t undressed. I am sure Yours wasn’t either. And neither were the Mothers of the bastards undressing Women at Bus Stops!



About this writer:

Cabu Gah