Did Kubamba Lie to Kenyans over TSO New Year’s Party?

The exceedingly hyped TSO (Totally Sold Out) vol.9 went down at the Nairobi Chapel on New Year’s Eve much to the delight of the faithful that grace the occasion. However, it’s now emerging that all was not well at the Kubamba Krew (K-Krew) organized event.

According to one guy who attended the party, K-Krew might have pulled the wool over Kenyan’s eyes.

He laments;

When I saw this poster, my New Years’ plans changed.


I had initially planned to have a night in. Chill. Some food. A movie. Tweet friends and strangers. Sleep.

However, the promise of having Lin, The Villagers band, ZiAda, Kanji and Aaron Rimbui usher me into 2014 was too much for me to resist. So I went to TSO volume 9 hosted at my local church Nairobi Chapel. I got there early and headed straight to the Kijiji area, traditionally, the growups’ venue at TSO.

I chose that as my New Years’ plan because I was confident that no hype man will show up and order me to throw my hands in the air or to piga nduru ikibamba Sana. I’m too mature for that.

I chose that venue because Lin, The Villagers band, ZiAda, Kanji and Aaron Rimbui are the kind of musicians who’ll get me out of my very comfortable house for a night out. I mean no disrespect to Jimmy Gait, Kelele Takatifu, Betty Bayo, Lois Kim or any of the other musicians on the roster, but I wouldn’t go out at night, all night, for them. NO.

Buuuuut. Shock on me. There was no Lin. No Aaron. No Kanji. No ZiAda. And a hype man (actually three different ones) showed up and ordered me to throw my hands in the air and to piga nduru ikibamba Sana.

When it got to around midnight, I talked to two people I know who are part of these brands ‘missing in action’ just to find out what was happening. Why despite the fact that they were lined up to perform, they were no shows. The information that I got was very upsetting. Apparently, there was no contractual agreement between those two brands and the event organisers. I shudder at the thought that the same was the case for the rest that I didn’t followup on.

That got me worked up. The event organizers deliberately lied to me and thousands of other Kenyans who’d have loved to see these artistes. The event organizers deliberately placed the integrity of the brands that are Lin, ZiAda, Kanji and Aaron Rimbui at risk by advertising that they will perform whereas they were not contracted to perform.

One of the things that I know I personally left behind in 2013, is the sheople ‘accept and move on mentality’. That’s why I’ve written this. I will shout about this until I get a response from the event organizers.

I demand. Yes. DEMAND that the event organizers:

a. Do the right thing and refund my gate charge for the deliberate deception they engineered to lure me to the event. I will say this loud and clear. I went to that event for the promise of music by these four musicians.

b. Offer an explanation to myself and other event goers as to why Lin, ZiAda, Kanji and Aaron Rimbui did not perform at the event despite the fact that they were on the event poster.

c. Apologize to Lin, ZiAda, Kanji and Aaron Rimbui for using their names to falsely market their event.


What do you think?

About this writer:

Jeff Omondi (Writer)