Diamond Addresses Claims He Copied Lil Wayne With His Latest Video ‘Make Me Sing’ (Videos)

Diamond was heavily criticized for lack of creativity when he dropped his latest video with South African rapper AKA.

Funny how critics were grumbling about ‘Make Me Sing’ and the song has already garnered over 1.1 million views in just two weeks.

The reason why some folks didn’t like ‘Make Me Sing’ was the concept of the video; a love song but the video is about a bank robbery.

‘Make Me Sing’ is a reminiscent of Lil Wayne’s ‘Got Money’ featuring T-Pain; the video concept for the two songs is similar, no doubt. (Bank robbery).

Diamond was blasted for ‘lack of creativity’ and he has since responded to set the record straight. In an interview with Cloud FM, Diamond explained the storyline behind ‘Make Me Sing’ which he says involved two poor men with the help of women robbing a bank and then getting caught. Diamond says the message behind the song is to overcome greed that can land one in trouble.

On copying Lil Wayne, Diamond said everything in music was a repetition since no one was singing about a new thing.

“Watu wanashindwa kuelewa kila kitu ambacho kinafanyika katika muziki sasa hivi kwenye videos kwenye kuimba na kila kitu,mashairi vilishafanyika,vilishaimbwa,kushutiwa kama vinafanyika ni marudio lakini kila mtu anarudia kwa namna yake anayoijua yeye kwa sababu ukisema nakupenda watu washaimba sana,lakini unafanyaje kwa namna yako wewe ili ilete utamu.’’Diamond told Cloud FM.

Watch the two videos below:

Lil Wayne’s ‘Got Money’

Diamond’s ‘Make Me Sing’

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Martin Oduor

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