Despite her age, new photos of Sheila Mwanyigha show how she is aging gracefully
I have tried finding out how old Sheila Mwanyigha is and not even Google (everybody’s best-friend) has the answer. No one knows how old the lass is apart from her family but we can only assume that she is in her late 30’s…Judging from how long she has been in the entertainment industry.
Anyway, even if she is at 40 years Sheila Mwanyigha looks younger than most people in her age bracket. She has mastered the art of staying young (probably it’s from how she eats) or it could be the good genes she got from her parents.
In her latest photos it is evident that Sheila Mwanyigha has added a few pounds but her baby face continues to make her look like a 20 something year old.
Her flawless skin has left fans asking what secrets she has behind her youthful looks.
Anyway below are a couple of photos of the youthful lass.