Dennis Okari Claims To Have Knowledge On Yet Another “Westgate Style” Mall Assault (PHOTO)




This is the rather chilling and ominous tweet sent out by NTV’s lead investigative journalist Dennis Okari who was celebrating the fact that the fact that terrorists didn’t attack the mall. But it also served as a chilling reminder that Kenya is still vulnerable to terrorist attacks.



 For those of us who lost loved ones during the Westgate attack that occurred late last year, the pain is still an ever present memory: a reminder of the day Kenya’s security forces failed it’s people. For those of us lucky not to have been caught up in the crossfire, the day goes down in infamy as the day when Kenya as a nation was held hostage by al Kebab -sorry, al Shabab militants killed Kenyans indiscriminately.


And so when I came across the rather scary tweeet by one of Kenya’s most celebrated investigative journalists I just had to share. Why the attacks didn’t occur as planned is still unclear. Did the country’s security apparatii save the day or did al Kebab -I did it again, sorry- did al Shabaab militants come up with the runs?
The answer is a toss up but I for one happen to be very happy nothing happened.


About this writer:

Nwasante Khasiani (Writer)