Dennis Itumbi Responds to National Intelligence Report that Casts Shadow of Doubt on His Academic Credentials
Yesterday, Sunday Nation, carried an article in which a National Intelligence Service (NIS) report alleges that Dennis Itumbi is among 50 students from Kenya Institute of Mass Communication (KIMC) in Nairobi whose qualifications are open to questions.
According to the NIS security vetting brief, Itumbi allegedly led student unrest at the institution and used this as leverage to force the then management of the college led by Eliud Sang to “award him and his class (of 50) Diplomas in Broadcast Journalism while they were enrolled to do a certificate course in the same”.
“In 2001, he joined Kenya Institute of Mass Communication as a parallel student to pursue a certificate course in journalism. He, however, was awarded a Diploma in Broadcast journalism in unclear circumstances,” says the brief.
But what says the embattled Director for Digital, New Media and Diaspora Affairs at State House? Well according to him;
“If I forged my papers or forced/blackmailed anybody to do that, why not arrest me?
I am ready to present myself to any police Station to make arrest easier and faster….that is how criminals are and should be handled.
Thanks guys for all the calls and comments, asante KIMC for all the photos sent my way reminds me alot. I cannot respond to all, but you got my appreciation.”