Critics Gush Over IMAX’s Latest Release, Gravity
With a 98% rating, Gravity is definitely 2013’s best reviewed film so far.
The thriller makes its East African debut this Friday, 18th October at the IMAX XX Century on Mama Ngina Street.
Starring Sandra Bullock and George Clooney, the film chronicles the experience of two astronauts on a routine spacewalk before a disaster strikes that leaves them stranded and floating away into space.
“To call Gravity simply a sci-fi film doesn’t do it justice at all because it is so much more. The story is as simple as can be but more effective and handled more skillfully than most films could ever dream of. A medical engineer and an astronaut work together to survive after an accident leaves them floating in space. Gravity is a classic in every sense of the word and is destined to rightfully earn the label of being one of the greatest films of a generation and will rightly be on Best Film Of All Time lists for years to come.” — Simon Thompson, Huffington Post
“The idea of filming Gravity in 3D is more than a mere gimmick. This film reveals imaginative use of the technology to elevate its thriller quotient, duly propped by the most stunning sci-fi camerawork you would have seen in a long time.” — Vinayak Chakravorty, India Today
“Gravity is not a film of ideas, like Kubrick’s techno-mystical 2001, but it’s an overwhelming physical experience, a challenge to the senses that engages every kind of dread. There’s strong pleasure in it, too; the movie is an adventure story in which each clumsy movement of mass and bodies startles.” — David Denby, The New Yorker
“As the film unfolds and if you jolt yourself out off the captivating narrative you will realise that you are 17 minutes into the film and you have been watching a single take so brilliantly orchestrated that for a moment you wouldn’t be wrong in saying that this is the greatest choreography of actors, camera, lightning, camerawork, VFX.” — Suparn Verma, Bollywood director
“The film is a visual triumph even if its storytelling is less than sure-footed. The opening scenes have a mesmerizing, abstract beauty.” — Geoffrey Macnab, The Independent
“They spin through empty space, and so does the camera, in a series of moves so intricate and yet so natural that only after you leave the cinema do you realise the feats of visual choreography involved. Bullock is the undoubted star and is seriously good here, giving Stone an inner steeliness that only the very deepest pangs of despair can unsheathe.” — Robbie Collin, The Telegraph
Gravity starts showing on IMAX on Friday, 18th October and will continue its run for the next couple of weeks.