Cord governors may be funding Raila, but Duale is the wrong man to point it out

Cord affiliate governors from Western and Nyanza counties have come out and strongly denied claims by Jubilee leaders that they are bankrolling Cord leader, Raila Odinga rallies and foreign trips using the county funds
Busia governor, Sospeter Ojaamong, Migori governor, Okoth Obado Cyprian Awiti (Homa Bay), Jack Ranguma (Kisumu) and Kakamega governor, Wycliffe Oparanya have distanced themselves with Garissa MP comments which he made last week.
Last week, majority leader Aden Duale claimed Cord governors give Raila a monthly stipend and sponsor his trips abroad and countrywide.
The said governors countered Duale’s claims by saying they are simply a plot to divert the public’s attention from graft cases currently rocking the national government.
This follows last week report by Auditor General Edward Ouko which revealed millions of shillings were either unaccounted for or lost across the counties in both Jubilee and opposition strongholds.
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Among the counties named were Migori, Kakamega, Kisumu, Siaya, Homa Bay and Vihiga, the respective counties of the said governors.  
Obado has refuted all claims that county funs was being diverted, saying no money has been lost in his administration. He challenged Jubilee MPs to prove otherwise.
he said.
However mid this year, Obado decamped from PDP and rejoined ODM where he is hoping to contest for a second term under the ODM party.
The good governor didn’t stop there, Obado also embarked on a project to endear himself even more closely to the ODM party, by building an ODM county office dubbed, ‘Orange House 044’ in Migori town which the ODM county party leadership rejected, saying they were not involved.
In truth they were protesting the brazen attempt by Obado, to secure if not buy the ODM certificate way before nominations had even began, why go all through this trouble? For what? It is certainly not an exercise in futility and the Office is there in all its grandeur for to see, Brick and Motar.
Orange Democratic Movement party chairman, John Mbadi later on announced that they will accept the office donation by governor Okoth Obado.
How else can the party reward such a dedicated party leader? How about a direct nomination?
If Duale claims may be true that the said governors are bankrolling Raila so that they can win his favor and also get the highly contested nomination certificate.
In cases whereby they are also involved in graft cases they can rely on the Influence of the veteran politician to survive any impeachment nightmare coming their way.
The only sad thing is Duale and Jubilee leaders are the worst candidates to bring this issue up, because they too are neck deep in the vice, a pot cannot all of a sudden start calling the Kettle black! can it?

About this writer:

Baba Ghafla