Cord demands commissioners vacate office and new ones put in place by December 23

The Cord coalition has called for the current Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC) to immediately vacate office and a new team to be in place by December 23, 2016.
In a statement, the coalition said Kenyans engaged in intensive campaigns to ensure that the next general elections are not rigged because of the irregularities and flaws of previous elections.
the statement said.
They insisted and there are no transitional provisions enabling the Commissioners to remain in office as constituted prior to the enactment of the statute.
They said the commissioners still stand accused in the “chickengate” scandal amid grave allegations that include lack of credibility, impartiality, integrity and independence.
The coalition also wants all tenders related to the 2017 general elections be cancelled or frozen until the new commissioners take office.
They claimed the stage was being state for massive rigging of the elections through ’s awarding of tenders in a questionable manner and without following the law of the elections as presently established.
Cord said.
They insisted they would not accept anything short of a comprehensive audit of the register by a reputable firm procured competitively and through a transparent process for verifying the accuracy of the register and to achieve a biometric voter registration.
The further warned that the Government must bear responsibility and burden of any danger to peace, law and order as “choices have consequences”.

About this writer:

Baba Ghafla