Coitus for Hire: Meet the HIV+ ‘Hyena’ Paid By Parents to De-Flower Their Teenage Daughters

Team Mafisi (Hyena) is a term usually used to describe the ‘thirstiest’ members of our society due to their rapacious appetite for members of the opposite sex.

But the term ‘Hyena’ is not reserved only for Kenyans. In a remote village in Malawi, ‘Hyena’ is a term used for a man that is hired to ‘cleanse’ women sexually.

These Hyenas usually engage in sex with women who have been widowed, had an abortion and young girls in their teen years who have just had their first period.

The reason why young girls engage in this practice is to prevent them from going astray as a village elder named Chrissie revealed.“If you look at today’s society, you can see that girls are not responsible, so we have to train our girls in a good manner in the village, so that they don’t go astray, are good wives so that the husband is satisfied.” the elder said defending this practice.

The cleansing is also usually done to prevent a ‘disease or some fatal misfortune from befalling their families or the village as a whole.’ A dangerous practice as these so-called ‘hyena’s do not use any form of protection (as its forbidden in the ritual) and they have sex with multiple women.

BBC reports on the story of Eric Aniva from Nsanje district in southern Malawi who has had sex with tons of girls most of them teenagers in his capacity as the village hyena.

“Most of those I have slept with are girls, school-going girls.Some girls are just 12 or 13 years old, but I prefer them older. All these girls find pleasure in having me as their hyena. They actually are proud and tell other people that this man is a real man, he knows how to please a woman.” Anoiva confessed.



He went on to reveal that he is HIV+, a fact that he does not disclose to the parents of his clients who pay around 400-700 Kshs for his services.

Read more of the story here



About this writer:

Sue Watiri