Ciku Muiruri Defies The Terrorists: You Have Failed!
A terrorist is a combatant who targets civilians rather than engage fellow combatants because by nature, civilian targets are considered “soft”. In essence, terrorists are cowards who thrive off of fearsome spectacles that compensate for their cowardly nature. The terrorist wins when you live your life in fear. Ciku Muiruri isn’t going to be cowed.
She has told the terrorists that they have failed. they suck at their jobs and all they have to do is to instill fear. Kenyans are not going to be cowed. And this is what she had to say:
See Mr and Miss Terrorist? Our light will burn so brightly, it will blind you… Coz there’s something inside so strong. We know that we can make it, though you’re doing us wrong, so wrong. You thought that our pride was gone, oh no, something inside so strong… #WeAreOne