Churchill Eats Humble Pie After He Was Beaten To A Race By A Big Mama Weighing 172 Kilos During The First Lady’s Half Marathon (Photos)

Several City roads remained closed as the 3rd edition of the annual First Lady’s Half Marathon was held yesterday. Comedian Daniel Ndambuki aka Churchill was among the celebrities that participated!

The First Lady H.E. Margaret Kenyatta has been hosting half marathon yearly to raise money for her Beyond Zero campaign.

Beyond Zero aims at ending preventable deaths of women while pregnant or when giving birth; basically it’s steered towards better healthcare for every woman and child.

Several big shots participated in the First Lady’s Half Marathon yesterday, among them the king of Kenyan comedy, Churchill.

The comedian has been the laughing stock ever since photos emerged showing Churchill being beaten to a race by an overweight participant.

“Muthoni at 172kg you gave me new meaning of self confidence. Congrats.” Churchill hailed the Big Mama who beat her to a race.

Anyways, as slow as Churchill was, he successfully completed the race. Congrats Churchill!!


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Martin Oduor

Ultimate keyboard ninja dedicated to bringing you the juiciest stories on blogosphere