Choose Which Kenyan Hunky Celeb You Want to Go Out With

It’s time again for another celebrity auction where you’ll have the opportunity to have a lunch date with one of Kenya’s hottest male celebrities, all to raise money for charity. All you have to do, thanks to Maina Kageni,  is support a project on the One Percent Club as a bid.

You can bid via MPESA contributions using the instructions below or share the picture shown (to the right) but from Maina Kageni’s wall on Facebook, with your friends for your chance to win the BONUS Surprise!!!
Go to MPESA Pay Bill and enter the busines number 510800.
Enter 1045 as the account number.
Enter the amount you want to bid or donate.
Enter your PIN and then send the money.

You will then be required to comment on Maina Kageni’s post with the MPESA code followed by the name of the hunk you are bidding for.

A. Nick Mutuma
B. Kevin Kemama Photography
C. Ian Mugoya
D. Maina Kageni
see Maina Kageni‘s wall on Facebook or visit: for more info about the projects on the one percent club

About this writer:

Kevin Oyugi