Children Of The Filthy Rich: See The Expensive Lifestyle Caroline Mutoko Has Given Her Adopted Daughter (Photos)

The former radio queen is running a ‘three part series’ of the 5 year journey of her daughter on social media.

Theodora Nduku is now a full-fledged celebrity now that her big shot mom is opening up about her like never before.

The youngster is clocking 5 and the mom decided to share private photos of her journey from a toddler to a 5 year old girl.

Of all the photos shared, the ones which Caroline took Theodora golfing stood out. Some of us or rather most of us have never even set foot on a golf course. You get to keep your lane when you see Caroline’s daughter playing golf.

The comments that followed the post were massive; folks were simply mesmerized by the lifestyle Caroline has given her daughter.







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Martin Oduor

Ultimate keyboard ninja dedicated to bringing you the juiciest stories on blogosphere