Check Out This Mind-boggling Statement That PLO Lumumba Issued on Teacher’s Strike
Everybody has had something to say on the current teachers’ strike. But what everyone does agree on is that teachers ought get paid their dues. It is only fair that they get what they were promised years ago.
One such person who aired his views was PLO Lumumba, an outspoken literati who had some really profound things to say, the only problem is that we cannot quite understand the message he was trying to convey:
The ongoing strike of teachers in Kenya is miasma of deprecated apotheosis of a hemorrhaging plutocracy cascading oozing into a maslodorous excrense of mobocracy. With alltermagent ossifying proclivities of kakitocracy Kenyatta’s knowledge centura is enveloped in a paraphlegic crinkum crankam.” ~ Dr. PLO Lumumba.
If you have understood the message, kindly explain it to us in layman terms.