Check Out The Only 2 Kenyans Who Made It To The Coveted BET Top Actor Africa Finals!!
Two Kenyans have made it to the list of the Top 12 avante garde actors from all over Africa who will be on the reality show “BET Top Actor Africa” In a hotly contested run for the finish 7 made it from south Africa while 3 made it from Nigeria.
Top Actor Africa will be testing the actors in nine grueling acting challenges, taking them through every genre from Improv to Comedy, Theatre, Soapie, Commercial, Romance, Horror, Drama and Action. Along the way they will get to work with established Hollywood and local industry experts including celebrity actors, casting agents, directors, producers, managers and writers as they fight to stay in the competition and keep their acting dreams alive. [ sic]
The only Kenyans who made it to the list are Lorranine Wangui 23 and Alex Khayo 27 .
Actor Alex Khayo
Lorraine Wangui far right in a red sun dress.