Celebs Laud NTV’s Dennis Okari for Groundbreaking & Appalling Expose

Last evening, NTV aired an astounding expose, A Terrorist’s Playground, thank to senior investigative reporter Dennis Okari. The expose revealed shocking findings on security lapses around major installations Nairobi among them a police station.

Following the outstanding work that went into commendable expose, celebs were all over social media heaping praises on Okari for uncovering the laxity in security and exhibiting some brilliant reporting. Here are a few;


“Denis Okari………NTV investigates waaaaah! these guys left a dummy bag with explosives at THE AIRPORT, THE CENTRAL POLICE STATION, KENYATTA HOSPITAL, OUTSIDE HILTON,A SUPERMARKET, A MATATU etc……they even call the police who shamelessly have no clue! Each of these could have cost Kenyans 100’s of lives …..So soon after elections……..sijui niseme! our security apparatus are asleep on the job, but for me the scariest part is the nonchalance of the ordinary citizens, dude we need to wake up from our slumber…..After all, who are the victims…..this is not just about the police…..we need to be vigilant jameni!”


Now my friend @DennisOnkari #ATerroristPlayGround is the stuff of investigative Genius cc @NTVkenya…There is a place for Truth in Society, especially when backed by facts.

Dj Soxxy: Great work on that production jana bro @DennisOkari

However, there are those who felt the expose is giving terrorists ideas. However, Okari was quick to point out that,

“Terrorists don’t need a journalist to inform them on where & how to strike. They are smarter than that. #TerroristsPlayground”


About this writer:

Jeff Omondi (Writer)