Casting News: Anticipated TV Show Adds Nairobi Half Life & MALI Actor

Two Sides is a story about the fires that rage deep in the bowels of human nature. It is a story about appearance and reality, murderers turned martyrs of own ambition, seeking vengeance and finding redemption instead, people being not what they appear to be.

Two Sides presents a world where villains find heroes deep within, where heroes walk with darkness in their hearts, where everybody is multifaceted, where no one is what they seem to be.

We had earlier announced that the show had already cast Raymond Ofula, David Mulwa and Lizz Njagah. So far, the project has added Ainea Ojiambo as  Kato and Gerald Langiri as Andy.

Ainea Ojiambo has appeared in the critically acclaimed Makutano Junction series and Kenya’s official selection to the Academy Awards, Nairobi Half Life. He also appeared in the award-winning Constant Gardener.

Gerald Langiri has appeared in a number of short films, commercials and also stars one of the biggest shows on TV last year, Mali. He has also appeared in the Citizen comedy, Mashtaka.

The showrunner for Two Sides is Mutethia Peter and written by Waweru Paul. The show’s producer is by Busaka Jackton. Two Sides is currently auditioning children between ages four and twelve until 1:00 p.m. today at Kenyatta University.

About this writer:

Adam Wagwau (Writer)