Caroline Mutoko Tells Off Striking Teachers And Supports Uhuru’s Stand NOT To Pay Them
Knut chairman Wilson Sossion will crucify Caroline Mutoko over her opinion. The former Radio Queen is openly rooting for teachers not to be given a pay rise!
Teachers have crippled learning in all public schools after the government and President Uhuru decided to ignore Supreme Court directive to give them 50-60% pay rise.
Caroline Mutoko has since come forth to support the President’s stand on the pay rise issue. Uhuru has reiterated his government has NO money to foot the increment teachers demand.
The former Kiss FM presenter penned a lengthy article on The Star newspaper arguing her points why she thinks teachers don’t deserve the long overdue rise.
She explains Uhuru inherited teachers’ pay rise issue from his predecessors, Arap Moi and Mwai Kibaki. Caroline says the two former Presidents handed Uhuru Teachers’ problem and that Uhunye was only kind enough to address the issue when he could have chose to procrastinate and beat around the bush like how his predecessors did till his term comes to an end.
Another point highlighted by Caroline was that a soaring wage bill would cripple the economy. And she categorically said Teachers’ pay rise would catalyze the already surging wage bill.
She recommended Kenya to learn from Ghana’s mistake, didn’t heed to experts’ advice on escalating wage bill and their economy crumbled.
Caroline concluded her article by acknowledging Teachers were right to advocate for a pay rise BUT she also made it clear their demands were UNATTAINABLE at the moment.
Credit: The Star