Caroline Mutoko Lavishes Praise On First Lady Margaret Kenyatta


First lady Margaret Kenyatta has made headlines recently for all the good reasons. She has been on the run to better maternal health care and make sure that women and children do not perish during birth.

The First Lady’s Beyond Zero Campaign organized a marathon on Sunday where thousands of Kenyans joined Margaret Kenyatta to raise awareness and collect money for the campaign.

Among those in the marathon were celebrities from almost all walks of life. Caroline Mutoko was among the few who had already trained at State House Nairobi for the marathon.

And now the Chief Marketing Officer at Radio Africa Group has taken to her you tube channel to shower praises on the first lady for her dedication to make maternal health a reality.

Caroline says that for the first time in the Kenyan history a first lady has initiated one of the projects that will go down books of history as the best ever.

Mutoko thanks Margaret for humbling herself to better the lives of mothers and children in the 254, something that has earned her global recognition.

She also goes ahead to say:


About this writer:

Edward Chweya