Capital Jumps To The Defence Of Joe Muchiri After Vicious Attack From Huddah Monroe

Kenyans on social media have had one of the most scintillating yet shameful week following tweefs between Capital FM producer Joe Muchiri and socialite Huddah Monroe.

Huddah particularly called Joe all sorts of names, forcing us to cover our faces in shame. Like it was not enough, her followers joined in to bash the big Joe.

The producer reiterated though in a soft way and by yesterday, Huddah had recoiled to her cocoon, surrendering to the bombshells that dropped from Joe’s clique.

And as the dust settles down, Capital blog has jumped to the defence of Joe Muchiri. Through an article titled Lessons From Huddah Monroe Vs Joe Muchiri Tweef, the writer wonders why one would display their body publicly shamelessly and when questioned all she does is post unpalatable words.

The later seems to take a dig at Huddah for displaying herself in a manner unacceptable within our confines.

In fact this is the same question Joe asked and which triggered the tweefs.

Huddah is spending her time in Uganda currently where she is believed to be seeing the sponsors she advised ladies to have.


About this writer:

Edward Chweya