Can You Dance? Win A Dinner Voucher At Brew Bistro’s Salsa Club!
Have you been to Brew Bistro? No really have you been there? The place is not only conveniently situated along Ngong Road, the ambience is amazing, and the music is all sorts of awesome.
Well they have introduced a Salsa club, every last Wednesday of the month. It shall be a competition where y’all, shall battle it out for a grand prize! Foodies take notes, at stake is, well stake, duh! Okay I’m kidding, you shall win a Brew Bistro and Lounge Dinner voucher. Yum.
What’s more, there will be a Mojito bar, Swing Salsa Band live performance, and a panel of judges led by Magic Mike professional Salsa instructor. So mark your calenders, grab a partner, start practising if your moves are rusty. I however, shall be watching from the periphery, let’s just say I have two left feet, shackled together. If you fancy yourself flexible, then by all means indulge away. Last wednesday of the month.