CABU GAH DIARIES: Uhuru Kenyatta Has Opened Up State House. But NOT More Than American Presidents Have Opened Up The White House. These White House Photos Will Surely AMUSE You!

Since Uhuru Kenyatta ascended to the Presidency,State House has become the Official Home of Kenyan Superstars and Celebrities and Regular talented People. No Other Kenyan President has opened Up State House as much as President Kenyatta has. And Kenyans are mesmerized.

It started with the Otongolo Boy and his whole family…And then the little poem girl,Emily Wanjiru. It didn’t stop there. Uhuru brought more into the Hallowed House on the Hill,including Athletes,Footballers,Sauti Sol and lately the Kisumu Artist Collins Okello who drew up a magnificent Uhuru Kenyatta portrait in military clothing.

Uhuru has done crazy things at State House and as President…From posing for crazy selfies and photos…to welcoming the most unlikely guests to Kenya’s Most Honorable House.

He has earned the title “Coolest President In Africa” for being spontaneous,maverick,pragmatic,soulful and a master PR machine.

There is NOTHING President Kenyatta wont do: Either at State House,State House Gardens or in any public event. But Uhuru is Nothing compared to American Presidents…From John F. Kennedy to George Bush to Bill Clinton to Barack Obama.

American Presidents have perfected the art of COOL. They are super cool…super unpredictable,super hip and super chic. And can be real cheeky,silly and audacious too.

The FOLLOWING photos all of which were snapped in the White House will show You just how spontaneous White House can Be! And crazy. And silly. And goofy. And fun!

President Kenyatta will sure catch up with this! He MUST!


1.Back in 1984, President Reagan was trying to understand how to hold a ball while Coach John Thompson and Patrick Ewing looked on in confusion.

2.Barack Obama Himself playing with the State House dogs! Crazy!!!


3. Obama standing next to a giant Easter Bunny. Weird.



4. US First Lady Laura Bush and Her Husband George Bush. What is that standing next to Madam First Lady??


5. President Ronald Reagan plays GOLF in The White House! Oh Boy!


6. Who is this creep talking to President Obama?? And what is he telling him?? Heck,How did he even get invited to The White House?? Dressed like that!?!


7. When You invite The King Of Pop to the White House…Expect Anything! He has to show Up Looking like The King Of Pop! No suits! No. Just some white socks,ankle trousers and military jacket.


8. Its Michael Jackson again. At the White House. With President Bush. Dressed like,er,The King Of Pop.


9. Its the First Lady,Michelle Obama. On the White House lawn…Taking a selfie with…wait for it.. A Dog! Woof Woof!


10. This is a Young Bill Clinton when he visited the White House in the 60’s. Shaking President John f. Kennedy’s hand. Bill was later to become President decades later! WOW!


11. And here is Bill Clinton as President already! And here he is going back into the White House after an afternoon jog! That boxer tho….


12. Obama and his Wife,Michelle make goofy faces at Kids on the White House Lawn during a book reading presentation.


13. And then was this time American First Lady Nancy Reagan invited American Entertainer Mr.T to the White House and proceeded to sit on his lap for this epic photo! Hey,she even kissed him! Damn! A whole First Lady!


14. And then there is this photo of President Clinton and his Deputy Al Gore getting cosy with their wives….Mapenzi nayo! Hillary Clinton was sooooo sexy then! Boom!

15. And then this one…that Barack Obama took at the White House. With American teen gymnast McKayla Maroney. This photo went Viral!


16.But Not more viral than this one! Which EVERYBODY has seen by now! Everybody!

17. Obama again! Running around the White House with his dog! Instead of hunting down the ISIS rebels in Syria!

18. BUT THIS IS THE BEST OF THEM ALL! All Living American Presidents (Former and Current) gathered at the White House earlier this Year to celebrate Happy Presidents Day! From Left; President George Bush Senior,President Barack Obama,President George W. Bush,President Bill Clinton and President Jimmy Carter! Wow! Soooooooooo cool!







About this writer:

Cabu Gah