CABU GAH DIARIES: Next Monday (Nov.17th) I Will Walk Out Of My House In The Shortest Skirt Ever! And A Bra! And Highheels. And Then Come To Town. DARE UNDRESS ME!

A furore has been whipped up. The Nation is yet to come to terms with the disturbing developments that went down at the Embassava Bus terminus a few days ago when a supposedly ‘scantily-dressed’ woman had the temerity to walk right up to a pack of diabolical touts. She was undressed mercilessly. And all her nudity shamelessly paraded across the internet in a grainy video that a passer-by took.

I watched that video in utter disbelief. And the more I watched,the more outraged I was. The more dazed I became. It was a sick,jarring and stupefying video that left a more-than-bitter taste in many a Kenyan Mouth.

Some third-grade,school-drop out libertines had the audacity to descend on a woman who was,until then,minding her business and,like brainless twats in a Banana Republic,ended up UNDRESSING her…Exposing her privacy and cheering on their fellow retards as the atrocious act went on.

A couple level-headed touts could be seen attempting to shield the hapless woman from any further assault and public mortification but their never-been-to-school gang of repugnant neanderthals could have NONE OF IT!

The Woman’s humiliation went on unaffected. She yelled and screamed and hollered for help frantically…Her hoarse voice reaching mute ends and her despondent plea achieving NO results.

Her clothes were shredded and her skirt rolled up..some retards even went a step further and pulled down her black underwear…causing her even further discountenance.

That single act of witless tomfoolery has elicited a huge foofaraw across the Country. Radio stations have dedicated acres of time to the topic and barbaric act and the ever-opinionated Social Media constituency hasn’t been left behind in expressing its’ self-assertive opinion.

And in the light of that very unfortunate event,A Facebook Group Kilimani Mums Nairobi has gathered its army of Online diehards and,together,they have resolved that come November 17th (Next Monday),They will show Up in droves in the Nairobi City Centre. Dressed in nothing but the skimpiest outfits ever seen!

If You want to see EXPOSED FLESH On November 17th,Well,You only need to show up in the CBD next Monday…Because throngs and throngs of vexed Women will paint the City SCANTY ….Marching from Uhuru Park to Accra road. The event will kick-off at 10.00am and last for the better part of the SEXY day.

The procession has been dubbed #MyDressMyChoice and it wont be the first time it has been done in Africa. A similar procession has been held in African Countries including: Nigeria, Malawi, Zimbabwe and Egypt. #MyDressMyChoice is part of a bigger movement demanding equal rights and respect for the female body.

Kilimani Mums want anyone who believes in Justice for Women to attend. It’s not only for women, men can also join in and show support for better treatment of women. Wear a mini skirt if you feel comfortable doing so. White and purple are the official procession colors. The procession will be peaceful and safe.

And that’s where I come in.

I shall be joining the Mothers and Women and Girls in the procession..resplendent in a White skirt and purple bra! And the highest of high heels.

And I hope we shall dare those scumbags to UNDRESS Us too. And then real shit will go down. In epic proportions!

Like I said earlier to my Facebook gang,If it is WRONG for a Woman to dress in a manner that exposes her body,it should also be WRONG for Men to behave in a manner that exposes their STUPIDITY.


Women will NOT and SHOULD NOT allow themselves to be dictated upon over what they should wear ,when they should wear it ,why they should wear it and where they should wear it! Its Your body,Baby,ROCK IT! Dress Yourself up,honey! Look gorgeous in whatever You wish! Its a free World…And the LAST PERSON to dictate You on what You should wear is a pack of dumbass scrawny touts! Whose resume is shorter than their manhood!

And NO,Robert Alai shouldn’t tell You what to wear either! He’s worse than a dead tout,anyway!



About this writer:

Cabu Gah