CABU GAH DIARIES: Mohammed Ali,We Believed You When You Raided The Churches. Please Believe The Police When They Raid The Mosques,Too


Lately,Jicho Pevu’s perspicacious reporter Mohammed Ali has been a bitter soul. Immediately after the Kenyan Police launched an offensive against some radical Mosques in the Coastal region,Mohammed Ali has been on the offensive too…Filling up his Facebook and Twitter timelines with contemptuous messages regarding the whole operation.

Mohammed Ali is one of the-if not the-brightest journalistic minds Kenya has seen since Independence. His delivery skill,adeptness,gallantry,prowess,adroitness and articulation of issues and mastery of the investigative game is unrivaled. No one comes close to Moha. No one. He is in a vaunted league of his own…And he shall be there…For a long,long time.

And while Kenyans have wholeheartedly embraced him and his investigative overtures,waiting for them in bated breathe any Sunday they are wont to be aired,Kenyans have also been disappointed by not one,but several of his investigative pieces which were,largely,just a whole hour of nothing but pompous swashbuckling and hot air. E.g,The Saitoti story. And the Artur Margaryan story too.


But we forgave him. And still took his word-whatever it was. We even forgave him after the tawdry ‘March 2013 Election Bungling’ investigative piece…Which,after much promises of a killer piece,ended up being a watered down waste of precious time. There were rumors that State House had interfered with the final copy of Moha’s Jicho Pevu piece about the March 2013 Elections. What was aired many days later was what appeared to be a State-sanctioned,tasteless piece that broke NO NEW ground. Told us NO new thing. And revealed NO new secret.

Still,We forgave him. And believed him-whatever the ‘truth’ was.

Moha has spared NO time in going for the jugular. Whoever it belongs to. State,Church,Society,whatever! When Moha goes for the kill,he kills any and everything!

His investigative pieces about the Church have been his most breathtaking do far. His “Mwende” story was simply astonishing. And his Pastor Kanyari follow-ups have sent massive shockwaves across this Country. No investigative piece has captured minds and hearts and attention as much as the Church Exposes that Moha has done.

They are in a class of their own. Masterpieces,I would say!

What vexes Me,however,is that Mohammed Ali is constantly CONVINCED that there are treacherous activities that go on in Churches but is hard-pressed to believe that there criminal activities that go on in Kenyan Mosques too. .


I am a Christian…staunch one at that,but when Mohammed Ali goes in on the Church,exposing the Church’s dirty tricks and frivolous scams,I stand behind him. I believe him! And take his word…Because,even though I am a Christian,I admit that there are opprobrious activities that happen inside ALL Kenyan Churches. I know Kenyan Church Leaders can be a sneaky,tricky,insincere,crafty,greedy,immoral and corrupt lot! And I will NEVER defend them! Ever! Even though I am a firm Christian.

But Moha is a joke! He is 100% convinced that Kenyan Mosques-Or Mosques at large- are the most squeaky-clean places You could ever walk in. Moha believes that,His very esteemed religion DOES NOT heave any criminal elements in it! Even when History has superbly proved otherwise!

Moha DOESN’T believe that there could be gangs of mushrooming terrorists being hidden and nurtured and groomed in Kenyan Mosques. According to him,every Police Offensive in Kenyan Mosques is a general offensive against the Religion Of Peace.


Agreeably,Islam is quite an esteemed religion. Quite honorable,reputable,powerful and decent one at that. But like in ALL Religions,starting with My Christianity,there MUST BE CORRUPT elements in between.

If Churches harbor Preachers and Bishops and Pastors who fleece the flock,sleep with the faithfuls,rape young girls,defraud the poor,embezzle funds and propagate lies and falsehoods,what makes it so impossible for Mosques to have CRIMINAL elements too??

Islam is a Peaceful religion,True. But even in the Most Peaceful of environments,there exists turmoil and turbulence.

Mohammed Ali,You need to FACE REALITY. And stop romancing with Your religion and implausible hallucinations.


This Country MUST BE SAFE. And Police gotta do what Police gotta do. An offensive against queer Mosques isn’t an offensive against ISLAM.

Mohammed Ali,when You expose Pastor Kanyari,YOU ARE NOT ATTACKING THE WHOLE OF CHRISTIANITY. You are merely pointing out the corrupt elements in the incorruptible Body Of Christ. Likewise,when the Police descend onto a Mosque,fish out dubious characters,make arrests and hold fishy youth for terrorism investigations,the Police are NOT attacking a whole religion…they are merely combating the corrupt elements in the whole Religion.

So You MUST ALLOW THE POLICE to do their Work. Safeguard this Nation,do investigations,combat terrorism and guard our Country.

When the Government does nothing about runaway insecurity,You rush to Twitter and Facebook to lambast,attack and harangue the President. And when The President actually does something to try and keep Kenya safe,again You run to Twitter and Facebook to attack him..terming him a spiteful, religious profiler.


No,Moha! This HAS TO STOP!

Everyone knows 99% of terrorists or people who have been suspected,convicted or jailed for terrorism profess ISLAM. Terrorism itself has its roots in The Middle East,the Birth of Islam.

NO ONE IS ATTACKING THE RELIGION. But this Country Must be secured. And all dangerous elements hunted down,fished out,arrested,arraigned in Court,charged and convicted!

We allowed You to expose the dirt in Christianity. You MUST ALLOW the Government to expose the decayed individuals in Yours too.

If We believed Your story,You MUST believe the Government’s story,too.

Its NOT about Islam. Its about National Security. You should know better than that,Moha! You should! Damn!

And as for the Class 8 drop out claim?? Hata wewe DANGANYA TOTO JINGA!




About this writer:

Cabu Gah