CABU GAH DIARIES: Its Official. Every Kenyan Woman NOW Needs This Gadget More Than Ever! Forget Marijuana,This Is What Kenyan Police Must LEGALIZE!


Just when we thought this madness was over…And that we had finally aired our voices and stood with the Women in the face of public shaming and stripping,ANOTHER VIDEO HAPPENED! One that totally wiped away EVERYTHING We had seen or watched or heard or said or done. A video that changed the game. Totally.

If You haven’t watched the supposed grisly “Githurai 45” Bus video,In which a woman can be seen sprawled across the Bus seats,legs asunder,with a bunch of savages hovering over her,SEXUALLY MOLESTING her and inserting their filthy fingers in her…And at some point,one of the rogues can be heard saying,”Leta Chupa….’ ostensibly,to shove it up her vaginal opening,please DO NOT watch it. Its gross. Real gross.

In the video,the woman’s screams as as clear as daylight…she can be heard attempting to reason with them,attempting to calm them and attempting to act genial. All that,however,bears NO fruit as these scoundrels go ahead and,once again,forcibly pull her legs apart,and,with NO underwear on,proceed to,once again,fondle her,tease her private parts,rough her up,rub her allover,shove their fingers in her and attempt to pull her vaginal lips apart.


That video is BEYOND shocking. It is a whole NEW thing. Its hell and Hitler in one cave. You could throw up real hard after watching it. Or have a seizure. Or worse….

When  this whole madness started,We blamed it on “indecent dressing”. We,made a huge furore about “indecent dressing” and after starting Social Media hashtags and rallying points,We proceeded to shut the City down in a demo that took almost all day. We even presented our plights to the amenable Inspector General Of Police. And,Um,the Chief Justice too? Yes,If I remember right.

We also crashed almost all TV stations,talking and talking and talking. And after days of heightened Anti-Stripping hurly-burly,we sat back and thought,”We’ve conquered this! We’ve slayed the dragon! Time to relax now…The message has been rammed home.”

We were WRONG! Absolutely WRONG! It turns out,We did NOTHING.

The fight against savages and imbeciles and morons needs more than just a hashtag. Or a trending Topic. Or a thigh-baring demo. Its OFFICIAL,Women are NOT being stripped for their manner of dressing. But because they simply are WOMEN! Flat out. The very virtue of a Woman being a Woman is enough to land her in some serious sexual trouble…Doesn’t matter how she’s dressed.



She could be wearing a Maxi dress and still fall prey to this band of soulless dogs. She could be 14 Years old and still be raided and violated and attacked! No age is safe. No dress is safe. No character in a woman is safe. Its NO longer about how shes dressed,Its now about WHO she is. And who is she?? She is a Woman! GREAT! Perfect target of attacks and sexual molestations.


And in light of these very disturbing developments,where Women are surrounded by gangs and gangs of sex-starved thugs,Women MUST FEEL SAFE. And be safe.

And NO,the Police will Not secure the Women. Neither will their Men. Women MUST secure themselves. Individually. Kenya is quickly sliding the South Africa way…where rape and general violence against Women is legendary.

Instead of hash-tags and protests and taglines and Twitter and Facebook Groups,Women MUST find a new avenue for safety. And that avenue is TASERS.

What is a Taser?? Well……

A Taser is an electroshock weapon. It fires two small dart-like electrodes to deliver electrical current to disrupt voluntary control of muscles causing “neuromuscular incapacitation” in a criminal. Someone struck by a Taser experiences stimulation of his or her sensory nerves and motor nerves, resulting in strong involuntary muscle contractions. When someone uses a Taser on You,Your body experiences a sharp electrical shock. You immediately fall to the ground,wincing and twitching,after which Your victim can either combat You or flee from You. Tasers totally render a victim powerless and effective…Making them numb and throwing them to the ground,screaming in pain.

Tasers were introduced as non-lethal weapons to be used by police to subdue fleeing, belligerent, or potentially dangerous people, who would have otherwise been subjected to more lethal weapons such as a firearm. A 2009 Police Executive Research Forum study said that officer injuries drop by 76% when a Taser is used.

I am of the opinion that Tasers Must be introduced in Kenya. For Women ONLY. And also of the Opinion that Kenyan Women NEED Tasers. Kenyan Women must walk around with Tasers and defend themselves with these very important gadgets.

However,It may get tricky when we get to the manner of implementation. Who deserves them?? Which Woman is sane enough to carry a Taser around?? How do we ensure that Women DO NOT abuse their Tasers?? How do we ensure that Tasres will and MUST ONLY be used in street-dangerous instances?? And not a domestic violence weapon??

Those are the tricky questions for now. But surely and truly,there already are Kenyans walking freely with these gadgets in this Country. All Women,like in the Anti-Rape devices fashioned for South African women,Must be equipped with Tasers. And taught how to not only handle them but also use them correctly and efficiently.

Any MAN caught handling,using or possessing a Taser MUST be charged in a Court of Law. And any Woman who misuses her Taser,obviously,must face the full force of the Law and be hauled to jail for decades and decades.

I am NOT sure Tasers will reduce instances of sexual molestation in the streets more than they will increase cases of general insecurity.

I could be wrong on this article. And I appreciate any correction on my train of thought. And welcome any challenge to my romance with the Taser gadget.

Well,In America,Tasers are legal and freely available to the public in 47 states! And in Czech Republic,Tasers are NOT only legal but vulnerable groups like pensioners and women are encouraged by the police to carry them for self-defense.

Well,Its about time we Kenyan OWNED Tasers,too.

But then again,I could be wrong.

Oh,and there are Pink Tasers too. Especially made for WOMEN! PERFECT!

Oh,and animal print too…….

To learn more about Tasers,CLICK HERE.

I NEED ONE TOO! And then these dogs can dare STRIP MY girlfriend! I be pushing it up their sorry asses! And freeze them to death! TIME FOE SELF-DEFENSE IS NOW! This Country has gone to the dogs!



About this writer:

Cabu Gah