CABU GAH DIARIES: Hi,My Name Is Cabu Gah. And In The Face Of Adversity And Lies,I Stand With Boniface Mwangi.

You know You’ve reached the zenith of delusion when You sit down and,even though You are practically a nobody,decide to SUE a man of Boniface Mwangi’s mettle.

Kid please…Have several seats. Heck,grab the whole auditorium! And sit that little unknown clown ass down.

Who are You?? What is Your claim to fame? Exactly WHO knows You?? And why?? What contribution have You brought to society?? What change have You,not only advocated for,but also effected?? Wait….Ati Who are You again??

Punk ass clown.

I literally crashed with laughter when I came across a tweet sent by one Xtian Dela,a twitter,Ok,don’t laugh,bigwig. He was threatening to sue the most invincible,indomitable and unassailable man in Kenya; Boniface Mwangi.

And even went ahead to announce to the ghosts that “follow” him that he had already “consulted” with his “lawyers” and that they would be serving King Boniface with court papers very soon.

Hahahaha! Who needs Kevin Hart with all these jaw-snapping comics allover the place!?

I mean,if I had a dollar for every time Boniface Mwangi was taken to court,well,I wouldn’t be here writing in the first place …

What would make a man as enlightened,I assume,as Xtian Dela think that he could manage to scare Boniface Mwangi with a Court Date? Please!

Boni has been sued by pretty much everything. The kid walks in and out of courts as frequently as Xtian Dela walks in and out of ….ummm,where?? The Buy Followers Kiosk??

Boniface is hardly the man to be cowed,intimidated or subdued by an online Court summon…Hell,he’s been through real courts…faced bigger plaintiffs, battled mightier legal wars and maneuvered smarter summons….

And here You are,inebriated in your Twitter fallacy,thinking that,by “threatening” to sue Boni…You are driving a last nail of intimidation down his coffin.

Brother…Thou art deluded!

I found the whole “LANGATA KIDS TEARGAS DRAMA VIDEO” a tad too crappy.

Some clowns,whose credentials stand to be questioned,anyway,decided to cobble together a shaky video attempting to link Boniface Mwangi,Kenya’s foremost provocateur, to the teargassing of the kids at Lang’ata.

And then they hired some fellow to narrate the whole drama,with NOT only the worst accent ever heard but also the shoddiest narration skills ever!

Before You link Boniface Mwangi to your delusions,ask yourself…

. Unlike Boniface,who am I??
. Unlike Boniface,what have I ever done for society??
.Unlike Boniface,what do I stand for??
. Unlike Boniface,when was the last time I suffered for the sake of the despondent??

.Unlike Boniface,what Awards have I won for Humanity’s sake???

I find the whole “Boniface is funded by Wazungus” argument utterly childish,nonsensical and fatuous.

So what if he is getting “funded” to do what is right!??
Well,if a man is getting ‘funded’ to fight for my rights,go to jail for me,defend me and stand up for me,well,those are funds that are used in the RIGHT way.

I’d rather an activist that gets funded to DEFEND my rights than a Tweep that gets funded to trample on them.

Everyone in this World is getting FUNDED to do something. The Question is; Are You getting funded to do the RIGHT thing?

For instance,the savage terrorist organization ISIS,that has been wrecking diabolical havoc across the Middle East is getting funded too…To kill,maim,behead,burn,torture, rape and annihilate mankind with the grimmest form of terror ever conjured.

Now, that’s FUNDING that is going to the WRONG place…

But,let’s assume,for a minute,even though we’ve got no proof at all, that Boniface Mwangi was FUNDED to storm Lang’ata Primary and instigate a riot…Question is; Was the protest successful? Yes. Did the kids get their school playground back? Yes. Was the land grabber vanquished? Yes.

Well,if that’s what Boniface can achieve with a little funding,I wanna fund him TOO!

We must cut Boniface some slack…And let the kid catch a break.

I have disagreed with Boniface’s tactics of protests in the past,and even witten articles about it,but I have NEVER questioned Boniface’s zeal,determination, courage, drive,patriotism or honest desire for a better society.

Boniface is well on his way to bag the second NOBEL PRIZE for Kenya,while some of y’all rucketeers busy out here tryna accuse him of shit he didn’t to,call him things he isn’t,cast aspersions on his character,malign his name and issue him with hastily- patched Twitter court summons…

In the face of all these rehearsed adversity,I STAND WITH BONIFACE MWANGI.

To the last day of my breathe…Or his…

In the book of Matthew 13:57 Jesus said….

New International Version
And they took offense at him. But Jesus said to them, “A
prophet is not without honor except in his own town and in
his own home.”

New Living Translation
And they were deeply offended and refused to believe in
him. Then Jesus told them, “A prophet is honored
everywhere except in his own hometown and among his
own family.”

English Standard Version
And they took offense at him. But Jesus said to them, “A
prophet is not without honor except in his hometown and in
his own household.”

Have Yourselves an honest day.


About this writer:

Cabu Gah