CABU GAH DIARIES: Hey, Betty Bayo,Leave That Pastor Kanyari Bastard Now! He Will Esther Arunga You! Leave! Quick!!

Its OFFICIAL. There is a new Quincy Timberlake in town….A Machiavellian thug swindling the hapless and blinding the naive. And the thug is so smart…He has NOT only fooled millions but  also managed to fool-And Marry-One of Kenya’s brightest Gospel Stars. He is a master con.

His story has been played before…And played. And played once more. He is the blood-sucking scoundrel that, following in the malevolent footsteps of his pernicious mother,has been making a kill out of the ignorance and naivety of low-life Kenyans.

Pastor Kanyari didn’t start Yesterday, He started way back in the evil days when his Mother used to run an equally-horrifying Church-cum-swindling hub in this same City. And after his Mother was arrested and hauled to Court,for lying about fake miracles and healing dramas,Pastor Kanyari was first seen in public. Furiously and frantically defending his con Mother.

Slowly,the Witch faded from the scene…And again,slowly,The Son of the Witch ascended to the Satanic Throne…And with him came sordid tales of excessive manipulation,thuggery,lies,showmanship,religious showbiz,fakery,pulpit theatrics and outright disrespect of the Name of the Lord.

This same scapegrace NOT only managed to fool thousands of poor Kenyans into financing his dubious lifestyle, but also managed to drag one of Gospel Music’s Brightest Stars into his circle of lies and swindles and arrant embezzlement! Her name is Betty Bayo. And Betty is the Second Esther Arunga.

And Betty Baby,I am talking to You. And My word is simple,Leave that Bastard! Now!

Doesn’t matter what the two Of You have been through…Doesn’t matter where he found You and where He took You. Doesn’t matter what he does to You or For You. Yes,Doesn’t even matter what vows You took! Time is Up! Vacate that marriage! Now!

Heck,I am even ready to marry You if No other man comes along! But the point is…the simple point is….Leave that jackass!

After Yesterday, He is No longer A Man of God…He is no longer a sincere Father to Your kids…He is no longer a servant of The Lord…He is no longer a shepherd of the Lord’s sheep…He is no longer a Voice of the society…He is no longer a Pastor…Doctor or Bishop Or Whatever…After Yesterday, Your Husband has been reduced to a shameless,soulless,heartless,brainless and obnoxious dickhead.

He has carved out a career for himself…And made a killing snatching meat morsels from the feeble mouths of his unsuspecting congregants.

Betty…Get Out! Do not wait until it is too late…Do not wait until he sacrifices Your kid or smashes Your baby’s head against a wall like Quincy Timberlake did.

Do not wait until he finally goes to jail…Do not wait until the story gets dirtier or the plot gets thicker…Do not wait until Kenyans finally revolt against him…Do not wait until his church is torched and Your house is attacked by furious former members at night. Do not wait until the story is too heavy for You to handle. Or too much for You to swallow.

Leave while You can! And if possible, Leave today. Pack Your bags…Leave with Your dignity intact…Leave before Your good name is dragged into the whole madness. Leave because You can…Leave for the sake of Your name…the sake of Your reputation and the sake of Your credibility.

The damage had already been done. Enough damage. Your husband’s blemished name will bring Your’s down.

Time is Up! It was a fun marriage…We know. But, just like all things, it is OVER NOW. Bid him goodbye. He was a con before You married him. Heck,a con before You were born. You did not create him….He was a devil before You came. And will be even after You leave.

Do not stick around,Swty. And try to defend his sorry ass. Do not allow him to drag You down that “We-are-in-this-Together” bullshit. NO. Stand Your ground. And find an exit. Soonest possible.

You must have seen how it turned out for Esther Arunga. It may go down that road for You too. Quit,Honey,Quit. Take a deep breathe…Look back at the past…Relive the memories one more time and ,confidently and resolutely, walk away! Just walk away!

DO NOT even defend him. Or stand next to him in Court. Or on the pulpit. Or anywhere. He is now Your enemy…Not unless You worked with him in hoodwinking Kenyans.

And from Your Facebook post, You said that You had rather DIE than be associated with such satanic money plays.

GOOD. Go ahead,Betty. Jump! Jump for Your life. Yes,You are better off dead…than married to that unscrupulous imbecile.

Let him fight his battles alone. And pray that he loses the battle.

You are a beautiful Woman. Smart and talented grab Your beautiful daughter and vacate that crappy marriage. Raise Your daughter fine…And never forget to tell her that her father was a stinking,Machiavellian and repugnant hooligan. She will understand why You left. I know she will. I hope she will.

All the best sweety as You finally quit that hell You call a marriage. It was too late for Esther Arunga. DO NOT LET IT BE too late for You.

Bid the son-of-a-bitch goodbye.

Good Luck,Girl. Good Luck.

About this writer:

Cabu Gah