CABU GAH DIARIES: Forget Alan Wadi,These Shocking Facebook Insults Directed At Uhuru Kenyatta Should Land This Guy In Jail Immediately. Absolutely Disrespectful!

Lately,there has been heightened activities aimed at bloggers and general Social Media users by the Jubilee Government. These activities include arrest,arraignment in court,stints in jail cells and/or intimidation by the Police after these social media users have posted what appears to be alarming,abusive discomforting and unpatriotic messages across the internet.

First there was Alan Wadi,the Moi University lunatic whose acrid insults directed at Uhuru Kenyatta and the whole Kikuyu populace earned him a 2-Year stint in jail.

Wadi,among other very acerbic things,had publicly called for the assassination of The President,repatriation of the whole Kikuyu tribe and had also used some very unpalatable words on the eminent person or Uhuru Kenyatta and his government.

His arrest was as dramatic as his Facebook ramblings. And,in a span of 24 hours or so,Wadi had been thrown behind bars. To be a guest of the very state he had spent ample time vilifying. For a beautiful 2 Years.

There was an uproar…Obviously. But that didn’t wipe out his very obvious crimes. And very reckless train of toxic thought.

And as if the arrest of Wadi and many other bloggers,including that of Abraham Mutai last week was not deterrent enough,another basket case,who appears to be way into his 60s,has surfaced. And the amount of bile he is directing at Uhuru Kenyatta,his government and his deputy is wayyy tooo toxic.

His name is Albert Waiganjo. And elderly-looking man with scholar traits and most of whose photos appear to have been taken abroad. And in historic World sites.

Waiganjo is NOT your typical bash-the-government incendiary. Waiganjo is a whole ‘nother breed. And he is not holding back his noxiousness. Or turning down his peevishness.

Waiganjo is a real nutcase. From head to toe.

He holds NO prisoners. And is NOT,at all,even the slightest fan of Uhuru Kenyatta. Or whoever works for,under or with him.

No one is safe. Not even Hon.Moses Kuria. Or the AG. Or even blogger turned-state house mandarin,Dennis Itumbi.

I attempted to contact Albert Waiganjo and have a quick chat with him on his very virulent Facebook postings but,to this minute,Waiganjo has ignored my messages. But upped his Uhuru-bashing notoriety.

Its NOT clear whether this man lives in Kenya. Or abroad. Or even whether that online name is legitimate. Or the face behind it.

What is clear,however,is that,the moment You find it within Yourself to brand the President a Child Killer,a Homosexual and a Rapist,well,I guess You deserve to be held in some little room. Surrounded by a couple uniformed men. And explain Your thoughts further.

Here are more screenshots of Albert Waiganjo’s very malignant Facebook posts. And also here are photos of the man. And lastly,here is a link to his Facebook handle.

I am all for media freedom,freedom of expression and what not….But even that freedom has it’s limits.

Even lunacy has it’s limits. Mr. Albert Waiganjo,in my opinion,which You can chose to ignore by the way, is absolutely OUT OF ORDER.

Here are the Facebook drivels that attracted me to Mr. Albert Waiganjo. I was shocked and dismayed. You will be too,I bet.

Like I said,in Mr. Waiganjo’s very convoluted world,NO ONE is safe. At least among the President’s homeboys.

I do NOT decide who has or not broken hate speech laws, libel and character assassination laws (are there such) but if anything is to be done,Waiganjo needs to spend a couple nights tight beside Wadi.

These insults are UNACCEPTABLE. Absolutely! I am revolted.

And these ones…..Good Lord!

To find Albert Waiganjo on Facebook,CLICK HERE.

Hata Keter ako na adabu kidogo buaana….Aiiii……


About this writer:

Cabu Gah