CABU GAH DIARIES: As The Nation Is Still Shocked By The Gruesome Murders And Suicide Of Paul Magu And His Wife And 3 Kids,Here Are 10 Of The Most Shocking Family Murders In History. Number 6 Will Make You Cry. Number 10 Will Spoil Your Day.

As I reported to You Yesterday in this article HERE,The search for the missing children of Ex-Lawyer Paul Magu ended abruptly after the glum discovery of their badly decomposed bodies in a thicket in Ruiru. A whole Family has gone. From Father to Mother to the whole lot of 3 Children. Worst News ever!

There are suspicions across the Country that Paul Magu might have killed his own wife and bludgeoned his own children to death before committing suicide in a final act of desperation and demon-possession. Clearly,there were massive amounts of blood in Paul and Lydia’s bedroom…And there were burnt ashes at his backyard too…From where Police could clearly figure out the outline of a human body from the design of the ashes. Also,Paul Magu had left the house at 10.00am with the kids…And the was the last time they were seen alive. Or he was,too.

Well…I am not saying he did it…But the leads are there for all to see and connect the dots.

If Paul Magu’s story has shocked You,and left a totally bitter taste in Your mouth,Well,You haven’t  read these stories. They are gruesome,they are grisly,they are macabre and they are abominable.

Here is a list of the MOST SHOCKING FAMILY MURDERS in History…A ghastly list. A horrendous compilation. Proceed with caution. Absolute caution.


1. Kelly Anne Bates


On 17 April 1996 a man named James Patterson Smith showed up police station and said that he had accidentally killed his 16-Year old girlfriend Kelly Anne Bates during an argument in the bath, claiming that she had inhaled bathwater and died despite his attempts to resuscitate her. Police attended Smith’s address and found Bates’ naked body in a bedroom. Kelly’s blood was found in every room of the house, and a post-mortem examination revealed over 150 separate injuries on her body. I was later revealed that,during the last month of her life she had been kept bound in the house by Smith, sometimes tied by her hair to radiators or chairs, and at other times with a dog chain around her neck. William Lawler, the Home Office pathologist who examined her body, said: “In my career, I have examined almost 600 victims of homicide but I have never come across injuries so extensive.” The injuries included:

.Scalding to her buttocks and left leg;
.Burns on her thigh caused by the application of a hot iron;
.A fractured arm;
.Multiple stab wounds caused by knives, forks and scissors;
.Stab wounds inside her mouth;
.Crush injuries to both hands;
.Mutilation of her ears, nose, eyebrows, mouth, lips and genitalia;
.Wounds caused by a spade and pruning shears;
.Both eyes gouged out;
.Later stab wounds to the empty eye sockets;
.Partial scalping.

The pathologist determined that her eyes had been removed,her nose cut into pieces,and hands broken. She had also been starved, losing around 20 kg in weight, and had not received water for several days before her death. The final cause of death was drowning, immediately prior to which she had been beaten about the head with a shower head by Smith. Stabbing her in the mouth,stabbing the empty sockets of her gorged out eyes and finally burning her thighs and roasting them completely.


2. Judith Eva Barsi

Judith was the daughter of Jozsef Barsi and Maria Virovacz. Josef and Maria’s marriage was full of violence and troubles. Josef was an alcoholic and a wife-batterer. This went on for years and years until one day,Josef decided to end the whole family. And on July 25 1988,Josef creeped up on his daughter Judith. He quietly opened her bedroom door,switched the lights on and realized that his daughter was deep asleep. And at that moment,Josef drew a gun,shot little Judith in the head and then went back to his bedroom where,finding his wife deep asleep as well,shot her in the head too,killing her at the spot. Josef then poured petrol on his wife and daughter’s bodies and also around the whole house,lit the house on fire,then went to the garage and shot himself in the head with a .32 calibre pistol. Little Judith was only 10 Years old.

3.Sylvia Likens


She was tortured to death by Gertrude Baniszewski, Baniszewski’s children, and other young people from their neighborhood. Her parents,who worked abroad had left Little Likens and her sister Jenny in the care of the Baniszewski family three months before her death.

Baniszewski,her daughter Paula, her son John, and two neighborhood youths were charged with and convicted of the crime. Likens’ torture and murder were described by the prosecutor in Baniszewski’s trial as “the most terrible crime ever committed in the state of Indiana”.

Baniszewski stated beating Sylvia after she stole sweets from a local store. She also accused her of being pregnant…which she was not. Baniszewski then kicked Sylvia in her genitals,hurting her badly. The violence on Sylvia went on…And Baniszwski was aided by her teenage neighbors too. They started extinguishing burning cigarettes on her skin, beating her, tying her up, burning her with scalding water, rubbing salt in her wounds, forcing her to eat things that would cause her to vomit, and forcing her to remove her clothes and insert a glass coca-cola bottle into her vagina. Paula Baniszewski once beat Sylvia in the face with such force that it broke her own wrist.

Baniszewski then tied Sylvia to her bed like a dog and when Sylvia urinated in her bed because she couldn’t move,she was locked in the cellar and forbidden to use the toilet. Later, she was forced to consume her own feaces, as well as feaces from the diaper of Gertrude Baniszewski’s 1-year-old son, and urine. Shortly before Sylvia died, Baniszewski began to carve the words “I’m a prostitute and proud of it!” into Sylvia’s stomach with a heated needle. Baniszewski’s daughter Shirley also used an iron poker in an attempt to burn the letter “S” into Sylvia’s chest. And on October 26 1965,Sylvia died. She was 16.

4. Martha Moxley

On October 31, 1975, the partially nude and bludgeoned body of 15-year-old Martha Moxley was found in the backyard of her family’s house. She disappeared the night before after attending a Halloween party at the Skakel home, one block away from her home in Greenwich, Connecticut.


On the evening of October 30, 1975, Martha Moxley left with friends to attend a Halloween party at the Skakel home. According to friends, Moxley began flirting with and eventually kissed Thomas Skakel,the boy who was hosting the party.Marthawas last seen falling together behind the fence with Thomas Skakel near the pool in the Skakel backyard at around 9:30 p.m.

The next day, Moxley’s body was found underneath a tree in her family’s backyard. Her trousers and underwear were pulled down, but she had not been sexually assaulted. Pieces of a broken six-iron golf club were found near the body. An autopsy indicated she had been both bludgeoned and stabbed with the club, which was traced back to the Skakel home. her head had been severely crushed and she had stab wounds all across her body. Martha was 14 when she died.

5. John List

John Emil List, sometimes labeled the Bogeyman of Westfield, was a convicted multiple murderer and long-time fugitive. On November 9, 1971 he killed his wife, mother, and three children in their home at 431 Hillside Avenue in Westfield, New Jersey, and then disappeared. He had planned the murders so meticulously that nearly a month passed before anyone noticed that anything had happened.


On November 9, 1971 List methodically killed his entire family: his wife, Helen, 45; his mother, Alma, 84; and his children — Patricia, 16, John, Jr., 15, and Frederick, 13. The murder weapons were his own 9mm Steyr 1912 semi-automatic handgun and his father’s Colt .22 caliber revolver. He first shot his wife in the back of the head and his mother above the left eye while his children were at school. And when Patricia and Frederick came home,he hid behind a door and then he shot each one of them quickly in the back of the head. He then made himself lunch,and then drove to his elder son’s school to watch him play in a soccer game. After driving his son home,he jumped out of the moving car and then shot him repeatedly in the chest and face,splashing his son’s blood across the car.

List then placed the bodies of his wife and children on sleeping bags in the ballroom of their 19-room home. He left his mother’s body in her apartment in the attic. And in a five-page letter to his pastor, found on the desk in his study, he wrote that he saw too much evil in the world, and he had ended the lives of his family members to save their souls. He then cleaned up the various crime scenes, turned on all the lights, tuned the radio to a religious station, and departed. He was arrested 20 Years later.

6.Andrea Yates

Andrea Pia Kennedy Yates (born July 2, 1964) is a former Houston, Texas resident who confessed to drowning her five children in their bathtub on June 20, 2001. After she had been suffering for some time with very severe depression.


Following the birth of their fourth son, Luke, Yates became depressed. The media alleged that her condition was influenced by the extremist sermons of Michael Peter Woroniecki, Her family was concerned by the way that she was so captivated by the minister’s words.

On June 16, 1999, her husband found Andrea shaking and chewing her fingers. The next day, she attempted to commit suicide by overdosing on pills. She was admitted to the hospital, and prescribed antidepressants. Soon after her release, she begged her husband to let her die as she held a knife up to her neck. Once again hospitalized, she was given a mixture of medications. Her condition improved immediately, and she was prescribed it on her release. But on In July 1999, she succumbed to a nervous breakdown again, which culminated in two suicide attempts and two psychiatric hospitalizations that summer.

Yates then stopped taking medication, mutilated herself, and read the Bible feverishly. She also stopped feeding her youngest child, Mary. She became so incapacitated that she required immediate hospitalization. On April 1, 2001, she came under the care of Dr. Mohammed Saeed. She was treated and released.

Yates continued under Dr. Saeed’s care until June 20, 2001, when her husband left for work, leaving her alone to watch the children against Dr. Saeed’s instructions to supervise her around the clock. Her mother-in-law, Dora Yates, had been scheduled by him to arrive an hour later to take over for her. And in the space of that hour, SHIT happened. Andrea filled a bathtub with 10 litres of cold water,and then drowned all five children.She started with John, and then Paul, and then Luke, and after drowning them, pulled them out of the water and laid their little dead bodies in her bed. She then drowned Mary, whom she left floating in the bathtub. Her last son Noah came in and asked what was wrong with Mary. He then ran away,but Andrea ran after him,caught him,took him to the bathtub and drowned him too. She then left him floating in the tub and laid Mary in his arms. Afterwards, she called the police. Then she called husband. And the only thing she told her husband is,”Time has come!”

7. Josh Powell and Susan Powell.

Susan Cox Powell was an American woman from West Valley City, Utah, who was last seen alive on December 6, 2009. And On February 5, 2012, in an act of murder and suicide, Powell’s husband, Josh killed himself and their two sons. Susan Cox married Joshua Powell in April 2001 at the Portland Oregon Temple and lived in West Valley City, Utah. And by 2008, Susan was expressing fears and frustrations about her marriage to friends. She recorded a video in July 2009 and wrote a secret will that included the statements “I want it documented that there is extreme trouble in our marriage” and “If I die, it may not be an accident, even if it looks like one.”.


And on December 7, 2009, Susan Powell mysteriously disappeared. Because she had been having trouble with her marriage, Susan’s husband, Josh Powell, soon became a suspect. Josh claimed that he returned home to find his wife missing after taking their young sons, Braden and Charlie, on a camping trip. This story did not make much sense, however, since temperatures were below freezing at that time. As suspicion began to mount against Josh, he eventually lost custody of his children to Susan’s parents, and was only allowed supervised visitation.

On February 5, 2012, a social worker was taking Braden and Charlie to Josh’s home for a visit when Josh pulled his children inside and locked her out. He then proceeded to attack his sons with a hatchet,blowing up their heads,muffling their mouths,breaking their jaws and limbs,stabbing them deeply and finally blowing up his house in a premeditated murder-suicide.  They all burnt inside…Father and two boys. It is speculated that authorities were close to finding incriminating evidence to tie Josh to Susan’s disappearance, which is why he decided to murder his children and take his own life. Sadly, Josh did not leave behind any information about what happened to his wife. Susan’s body has still not been found to date! No one has ever seen her. Or seen her body. She officially remains a missing person. 5 years down the line! One boy was 4. The other was 2.

8. Diane Downs.


On the night of May 19, 1983, a woman named Diane Downs pulled into a hospital in Springfield, Oregon. Her three children, Danny, Cheryl, and Christie, were in the back of the car and had all been shot—and she herself had a gunshot wound in her left forearm. Downs claimed that an unknown assailant had attempted to carjack her on a rural road, and had shot at her and her children. One child Cheryl was immediately pronounced dead, but the other two children survived the attack. Danny was paralyzed while Christie suffered a stroke. Investigators were immediately suspicious about Diane’s story, since she acted surprisingly calm about the situation, and Christie appeared terrified whenever her mother was in her presence.

The evidence in the car did not match Diane’s story—and as soon as Christie recovered well enough to speak again, she was able to testify that her own mother had carried out the shooting. Investigators discovered that Downs had been conducting an affair with a married man named Robert Knickerbocker. Since he did not want children in his life, it is believed that Downs decided to kill her kids so she could continue the affair. Downs was found guilty of the crime, and sentenced to life imprisonment plus fifty years. Her surviving children were eventually adopted by Fred Hugi, the prosecutor on her case.

In an attempt to kill her children and save her illicit relationship with Knickerbocker,Diane put them all in a car,drove to a remote location,pulled out a gun and,one by one,shot the children,blowing up Cheryl’s little skull and spluttering her brains and blood allover the car. The other children fell from the car seat…screaming at first…and then collapsed…fainted…and went silent…

9. Robert Fisher

Robert William “Bobby” Fisher, Sr. (born April 13, 1961) is an American fugitive wanted for murder of his wife and their two children in Scottsdale, Arizona on April 10, 2001. He was named by the FBI as the 475th fugitive to be placed on the list of FBI Ten Most Wanted Fugitives on June 29, 2002.


For more than ten years, Robert Fisher has occupied a spot on the FBI Ten Most Wanted Fugitives list. Fisher was living in Scottsdale, Arizona, with his wife, Mary, and his two children, Brittney and Bobby Jr., when authorities responded to a powerful explosion at their home on April 10, 2001. They found the remains of Mary, Brittney, and Bobby Jr., but Robert and the family’s SUV were nowhere to be found. It was soon discovered that Mary had been shot, and that all three of the victims had their throats slit prior to the explosion.

Investigators would uncover that Robert Fisher was a controlling husband and father, and therefore in danger of being divorced by his wife. It is thought that because Fisher was so emotionally affected by the divorce of his own parents, he did not want his children to experience the same thing. Before they died,Robert first shot his wife Mary killing her on the spot. He then took a sharp knife and slit her throat,causing her head to fall apart from the rest of the body. He then used the same knife to slit the throats of his two kids,butchering them like rabbits and throwing their bleeding bodies at a corner of the house. Fisher doused them all with petrol before cutting the house’s natural gas line to ignite an explosion. The house blew up…Killing the 3 occupants. Robert had already left by then…

Ten days after the murders, the Fishers’ SUV was found at Tonto National Forest. People have wondered whether Fisher may have committed suicide somewhere, or whether he is living under an assumed identity—but until any trace of him is found, he remains a wanted fugitive. Fisher has never been found to date. For a whole 13 Years now!


James Patrick Bulger (Born:16 March 1990) (Died: 12 February 1993) was a boy from Kirkby, Merseyside, England, who was murdered on 12 February 1993, at the age of two. He was abducted, tortured and murdered by two ten-year-old boys, Robert Thompson. Yes,10 Year Old Boys! Damn!

On 12th February 1993,James Bulger accompanied his mother Denise Bulger to a nearby Shopping Center. At around 3.40pm,While inside the A.R. Tym’s Butchery shop on the lower floor of the centre, Denise, who had been momentarily distracted, realized that her son had disappeared.

He had been wandering by the open door of the shop while his placed an order in the Butchery, and was spotted by Thompson and Venables,the 2 10-Year old boys.

Quickly,Thompson and Venebles approached him and spoke to him, before taking him by the hand and leading him out of the precinct. This moment was all captured on a CCTV camera near the Butchery.

The boys took the crying 2-Year old on a long 4 km walk across Liverpool to the Leeds and Liverpool Canal where he was dropped on his head and suffered injuries to his face. During the walk across Liverpool, the boys were seen by 38 people. Bulger had a bump on his forehead and was crying uncontrollably,but most bystanders did nothing to intervene, assuming that he was a younger brother.

Eventually the boys arrived at a remote railway line where they began torturing him. Once they arrived at the railway line,one of the boys threw paint into Bulger’s left eye. He started crying again. Then they threw him to the ground,started kicking him about,stomped on him,and strted jumpinf on his little 2-Year old body. Then they removed his clothes and inserted a bottle in his anus. And after beating him to a pulp,they picked an old 10.0kg railway metal bar and dropped it on his head. Bulger stopped moving. Or crying. And died at the spot.

The killers then placed his body across a rail hoping people would think he had been killed by a train. He was found 2 days later…His body cut in half.

With help from the CCTV Cameras,Thompson and Venables were subsequently tried and convicted, becoming the youngest murderers ever in British history.

May I repeat this again,these boys were both 10 Years old! Unbelievable….

Below is an bonus photo of little James…And the photos of the boys who  killed him.

                                                                                       Little Jamie…..

                                                    The criminals together…..

Robert Thompson, 10 years of age, poses for a mugshot for British authorities February 20, 1993

                                                                                Robert Thompson.

Jon Venables, 10 years of age, poses for a mugshot for British authorities February 20, 1993

                                                                                     Jon Venables


If You didn’t know…Now You know….

Source: Wikipedia

















About this writer:

Cabu Gah