CABU GAH DIARIES: Among Dennis Okari,Robert Alai And Nairobi Aviation…. None Of Them Is Believable. Or Worth Our Time.

It’s NOT a secret that tertiary colleges in Kenya are full of scum,scandal and dirt. Real thick dirt. We all know that….We all know the contemptible behavior that goes on in institutions of higher learning in Kenya. And the supposed ‘exposé’ of one institution DOES NOT shock us. No,it doesn’t.



After watching the dramatic Dennis Okari feature on YouTube yesterday,I regretted that I had wasted a whole 30 minutes of my precious life….Watching an expose that didn’t teach me any new thing,that didn’t shock me or even enlighten me.


What made it even more predictable is that,Okari,just like his ilk of “investigative” journalists,had picked on a third-rate,downtown college with not much clout or huge population.


Okari,I presume,must have deemed Nairobi Aviation,a lightweight institution,a safer ground to play his dirty journalism games. He must have known that there would be little backlash from exposing the trash in Nairobi Aviation than exposing the fetid rot in,say,Nairobi University.


Nairobi Aviation is NOT alone in this dirty race of irregular educational malpractices. 90% of our institutions of higher learning are just as rotten.


But,by picking Nairobi Aviation,Okari simply pulled a coward stunt…Picking on the weak guy. And avoiding a feud with the big boys.


Just like the Pastor Kanyari expose. Once again,the weak guy was picked on and mercilessly shredded. Leaving the BIG GUY of religion smiling all the way to the Bank.


There are MASSIVE scandals that go on in the Catholic Church,for instance. But will an Investigative Journalist ever touch the All-Powerful Catholic Church? Never


Well,that’s dishonesty. Double standards…And ill-motive.


So,as for Okari,I didn’t quite believe his exposé. Or even take his word…However honest it may have been…Something just wasn’t right.




I watched Professor Jacob Kaimenyi feigning surprise and shock in the expose. Pretending to be outraged and revolted by the shady dealings at Nairobi Aviation. But this is the SAME Kaimenyi in whose office stands a very imposing wall clock donated to him by the very Nairobi Aviation college.


Kaimenyi,and the whole Higher Education Board and whatnot should NOT even attempt to fool us by pretending to NOT be aware of the rot that goes on in Our Higher Learning institutions. No,they know it all.


And not just that,they actually abet it too! The Government is aware. And the Government is part of the scams.


So stop acting surprised,Bwana Kaimenyi,we’re smarter than You think.

You knew all these things existed before we even did….



Well,even before the supposed expose was aired,Alai went on an offensive. Flooding the social media with counterattacks to the whole feature even before it aired.


Alai,severally and desperately,even tried calling almost everyone involved in the expose…
Asking them NOT to air it. Actually, pleading with them NOT to air the exposé.


Why was Alai so interested in this matter?? Of what value was it to him?? Why doesn’t he ever call Mohammed Ali to ask him not to air the many investigative pieces he has done on the Government??


Why was this matter so important to Alai?? That he had to burn so much valuable mobile phone credit and energy making frantic calls to almost every Nation Media Group Boss?


And he wants us to believe that he was acting simply as a concerned Kenyan?? Without any ulterior motive? Or promised financial renumeration??


Bullshit! Go tell that to the birds!


Alai said Linus Kaikai is dishonest. As if he was honest himself.


And then Alai said that USIU,his alma mater,was one of the few Nairobi Institutions with NO history of student malpractices and exam-related scandals! Nonsense!


And for You to go so deep as to call out Linus Kaikai as a womaniser and cheater?? Did it have to get there??


Well,just like Okari and The Government,Alai was another nonsense we all didn’t need! Or have to even pay attention to.





Well,after the exposé,the College went on rampage. Pouring into the streets and causing some serious drama and trouble at the Nation Centre Offices…


The students,obviously, were enraged that their school was called out and exposed for impropriety. And now they thought they were justified to bring their noise and ruckus to the City Centre.


By protesting so violently and angrily,these students wanted us to believe that their school was actually innocent…And that it had been unfairly targeted.


They wanted us to believe that their school was clean. And devoid of any dirt or scandal or malpractices.


Hahahahaha! Joke of the Year!

Puh-leeeeze! Grab a seat,All of Ya’ll little noisy kids,and sit down.

The 8-minute protest was worthless. Absolutely worthless… You didn’t have to hit the streets to prove Your imagined  “innocence”. And breaking windows,smashing cars,blockading roads and littering the whole City is NOT exactly the best example of proving innocence,by the way.

By Your hooliganism,You almost lent credence to Okari’s story…That,among You,are school drop-outs and illiterates and vandals.

Your school is NOT CLEAN. Never was and Never will be. Understood?? Great!

In my opinion,this whole story was full of dishonest players….It’s a story we didn’t need to invest too much of our time and energy in.

From what filtered form all quarters,None of these 4 Main Characters were honest…Or worth our time.

Neither the Government,Or Dennis Okari,Or Robert Alai or The College itself were being honest with us.

Everyone was acting for someone. And it sucks.

Now,can we all go back to much profitable activities and leave these clowns to do their little monkey banana flips??

Of course we can!








About this writer:

Cabu Gah