CABU GAH DIARIES: 10 Things That Kenyan Men Should Also Stop Doing If They Want Women To Dress Decently! Number 9 Is Such A Shame! Pooh!

Am sorry for staying with the topic. But how couldn’t I?? The clamor for Women’s rights is a perpetual struggle that will NOT end today. Or tomorrow. Infact,In my very-enlightened opinion,It will NEVER end! Year after Year,Women will sadly be subjected to disgusting cases of sexual violence and savagery. By Men….SAD.

Miniskirt. A clothing that has always been donned by our women for ages now. And it has all been good…Until last week…when,out of the blue, a pack of savage miscreants decided to DECIDE for Women what is acceptable and what is NOT. The same gang of reprobates decided to take the law into their faecal hands and sexually violated and stripped random women at Bus stops and streets and alleys. Unfazed by the protests and recording cameras. What a bunch of scoundrels!

According to Men,a very huge percentage of them,by the way,Women should EITHER dress ‘decently’ or risk being stripped and publicly mortified. Kenyan Men are a pretentious lot….A lot that decides for itself what is right and what is wrong. A lot that quotes the Holy Bible when it suits them. A lot that invokes God’s Name when its convenient for them…A lot that crawls back to their poorly-understood ‘African Cultures’ when it bets suits them.

And according to the ever-chauvinistic Kenyan Men,THEY ARE SOCIETY and SOCIETY is them! And Women have to abide by “Society” (READ,Men) failure to which,they will face the full,unbridled wrath of these pack of soulless rascals!

You should see them talking…Or quoting the Bible…Or African Cultures..Or God..All self-righteous and crap! Yet they are the MOST shameless and arrant sinners,criminals and law-breakers ever seen…

Anyway,If KENYAN WOMEN have to STOP wearing short skirts and dresses and whatnot…In the name of decency and Morality and African Cultures and God and The Bible,Well,Men have quite a list of Anti-social,Anti-God and Anti-Scriptural things they need to STOP TOO!


1. STOP RAPING ANIMALS! Kenyan Men have made dubious headlines for seeking sexual favors from the worst of quarters-Animals! What a shame! The same Men shouting loudest about God and The Bible and African Cultures are the same Men taking Rats,Goats,Pigs,Donkeys,Chicken and Cats to bed! What’s worse?? A lady in a miniskirt or a Man ‘in’ an Animal?? Gross.

2. STOP ABDICATING FAMILY RESPONSIBILITIES! Kenyan men are famous for this! A shameless bunch of classless Men who sleep all day and drink cheap liquor all night! And yet they have children and wives to take care of! How African is it to abscond Family Responsibilities and spend all the little You earn in beer dens?? Chang’aa dens?? Leaving all the responsibilities to the Woman?? Including feeding the Family?? And educating the kids?? How Godly is that,Kenyan Men?? How Moral is that??!

3. STOP MAKING A FOOL OF YOURSELVES WHENEVER YOU ARE DRUNK! After imbibing on the cheapest liquor in the cheapest liquor hole in the cheapest part of the cheap town they cheaply live in,these Men will stagger their way out…singing detestable songs and sleeping in alleys and trenches and by the roadside…Drunk as hell! And publicly exposing their shabby manhoods through their poorly-zipped up soggy pants. Stumbling home and falling over themselves in a dazed drunken stupor infront of their OWN children an other Young kids…How African is that?? Eeeeh?? How decent is that??

4. STOP BEATING YOUR WIVES! Without caring whether the children are around or not,Kenyan Men will beat up their wives senseless! Right infront of their Young,impressionable children! And then beat up the Children too! And,in the worst case scenario,kill the whole family then commit suicide! We have seen this in the News way too many times! Physical violence against Wives…Everyday…Everywhere…STOP IT,You Pretenders!Not unless You can quote a Bible Verse that says,’Ye Men of Honour,Beat Up Thy Wives! Break Her Bones Right Infront Of The Children! For I,The Lord,Hath Commanded Thee!’

5. STOP PROMISCUITY! The same Men running around this City and other Kenyan Cities screaming “God” and “Morals’ and “The Bible” are the same Men who will spend endless weekends with dirty prostitutes in dinghy lodgings across town! Yet they are married! For Years! What moral authority do You have to condemn Miniskirts when all You do is sleep with 36 different dirty whores per month…With no condom and no stamina and no shame! Morals,My Ass!

6. STOP DENYING YOUR CHILDREN! Made a Woman pregnant?? Be a Man and own up to the pregnancy,Dumbass! The same clique of self-righteous Men screaming loudest t about ‘African Morals’ blah blah blah are the snae rats who will waste NO time in denouncing their Baby Mamas and running away from their created pregnancies! Leaving the hapless girl to carry the Baby alone,give birth alone and raise the baby alone! Cheap shameless Deadbeat malefactors! How African is denying a pregnancy?? How Moral is that?? How???!

7. STOP SAGGING THOSE PANTS. You will see them all across town…sagging their heavy pants,laden with an old,empty wallet. Exposing a pair of the most-miserable pair of butts! Covered under an equally-miserable piece of faded blue underwear! How Biblical is sagging Your pants?? And walking all across TRM,Galleria,Westgate or Greenspan Mall with Your cheap black ass hanging outside?? How African is that?? Who undresses You for sagging?? Anyone!!??

8. STOP RAPING YOUR OWN DAUGHTERS! AND NIECES! You will see them very vocally shouting “This Is Unafrican’! “This Is Ungodly!” and yet they will creep back into their dark homes in the dark hours of the night to RAPE their own seed! Their own daughters! Their own relatives! Pre-teenage daughters of their own sisters and brothers! Shameful! How Moral is that?? Who ever charges them in Court?? Sadly,NOBODY. They always walk away scot-free! After such a heinous act! African Culture?? Puh-leeeeeeeezee!

9. STOP GOOGLING HOMOSEXUAL PORNOGRAPHY! According to Google,Yes,The All-Reliable Friend,the Most serched item on the internet in Kenya (Via Google,Ofcourse ) is “GAY PORN’! Pooh! Makes Me wanna throw up! Yes,Believe it or not,Kenyans are the leading country in Africa as far as searching for Homosexual Pornographic videos and photos on the internet is concerned. And as we all know,Who consumes pornography more?? Men or Women?? Men,Ofcourse! And Kenyan Men are soooooooo shameless and disgusting! They are Googling “Gay Porn”. Whoa! Tell Me again how You still have the moral authority to comment on Miniskirts! Mr. Righteous Wanking Guy!

10. STOP STAYING WITH YOUR PARENTS! And get jobs! The number of grown Men still staying with their parents…Eating and drinking and spending their own parents’ money is alarming! In true African Societies,African Men were considered Adults soon as they entered puberty! And that meant that they could go out there,find things to do,protect the homesteads,bring food home and build homes-Their OWN homes! But today the case is different! Millions of grown Men still living under their mother’s old thighs! Eating their Mother’s food..Spending their Mother’s little money. And sleeping around their own old mothers! Move out,Old Fool! You’re 32 already! Get a life! Get a home! Get a Job! Get a Wife! And Be a Man! You are meant to be out there hassling FOR Your old mother! Like all true African Cultures did! Grown Ass Teenage Boy!

If Women have to dress “Decently’ for the sake of The Society and African Cultures and God and The Bible…Well,Men have a lot more work to do! Alot! A Miniskirt should be the last of their worries! Cheap Pretenders!


About this writer:

Cabu Gah