Cabu Gah Called Out By His Haters!

With followers amounting to the thousands Cabu Gah is a force to reckon with .He  is known to inspire,dish out advice and even impale people with his status updates on Face Book.Cabu Gah  has many fans but not everyone is dishing out the love .His haters have even gone ahead and created pages on Facebook the most prominent being a page called ‘Anti-Caburian F**k Cabu Gah’.

It has a number of updates spewing hate.Take a look at one of their updates:

Letter to Cabu Gah…
First of All can you unlock you wall,when i write to you i want to drive the point at HOME…unblock that HOME page!!
Am sure you inbox is full,the caburians must have filled with praise on how good their president is doing well,saluting you and wanting to know how you weekend was.

If you are ok after being too bored after watching Churchill…
If you balls are still itchy.
If Pamela from Nakuru called again….
Well am on a different Mission so il let your inbox be.

Who abused you as child?
Whose attention did you not get?
You sit behind that phone and let the bitter part of you speak so ill of people you will never get to half…leave alone half..quarter their level!
You are famous,you feel you are the next big thing after Mpesa and you right…
Your bullshit has ran blogs on Facebook but you are not a happy man.

Whoever took care of Soulja boy or Craig David…Should really take care of you too.
Bullshit after Bulls**t well am tired of your s**t!
You have publicly advertised you negative energy…
Your itching balls…
Your night out with tiny girls from Ngong….
Your Aluminum sufurias…

What you need is a DIARY…
Thats a little book where you write what you’v been up to..
If you have you taken a sh*t…
How big this sh*t was…
If some caburian chick gave an easy lay….
If you f***d in front of Nginyo house….
If you came all over Nairobi exposed admin…
It should all go to your little diary.

Let our home page be filled with crap from girls who missed their periods and are worried…
Girls who got dumped over valentines….
That guy who always ‘ngoteas’ us every morning…
That Woman who hates Mondays…

You give me nausea…
leave baby LEAVE!!!!’

My face after reading that…


What say ye?

About this writer:

Sue Watiri