Business as usual at Kenya’s Burger King even after Kenyans vowed to Boycott it. Kathy Kiuna among one of the customers(PHOTOS)
Kenya’s Burger King is currently suffering public bashing and this is after it announced it would not be removing antibiotics in their chicken.
They would be doing it in America though and Canada as well but not Kenya and this of course caused outrage among Kenyans on social media who termed the decision as outrageously discriminatory.
“These restaurants Brands International commitments relate exclusively to the markets of the US and Canada. Kenya is not concerned.” Servair Communications officer Samuel Coulon was quoted as saying.
Use of these antibiotics in chicken has in the recent past being associated with resistance of medicine by humans something which led to World Health Organization to take action and ban use of this medicine. Burger King in turn subscribed to the order and will be terminating use in America this year and Canada in 2018.
Like I said, Kenyans couldn’t take it so they rushed to social media to rant and express their displeasure. The most notable figures being Caroline Mutoko and Sam Gichuru who were seconded by quite a myriad of Kenyans.
I took time to visit Burger King last evening and I can attest what you experienced on social media was just cheap talk; it was business as usual at the establishment….as you can clearly see here:
And then surprise surprise; guess who was also there sampling some chicken wings? Kathy Kiuna….
*Kindly note I’m a blogger, I get paid peanuts so I can’t afford a good phone with a good camera. I’m considering being an uber driver.*
Well, I guess Brands International will be having the last laugh after all.