Breast- sucking Nigerian Pastor Opens Church In Kenya!
The amount of tomfoolery propagated by Hero radio has reached alarming levels; every dawning day, they pawn us and weave us into their evil, fake and far-fetched web of coined, feigned stories that seem to scream FAKE from all orifices!
Last week,we almost fell for their little lie about a woman who they purport, sleeps with dead bodies for money, before we got over that, they had another raunchy account of a lady who reportedly has intimate relations with her biological father (that is not totally improbable) Today however, I got wind of another Audio courtesy of Grace.
So Kate or Nancy from hero radio calls up this Nigerian pastor who she alleges opened a branch in Kenya after relocating from Nigeria. The pastor, we learn , runs a church with the name “Breast and Honey Harvest international” – A church that apparently works under the doctrine that if the pastor sucks a woman’s ta-ta’s, he unleashes forth, a spiritual form of fulfillment by sucking off the bad humors from her being via her titties.
The requirement is that the woman attends a private prayer session with the pastor and that she doesn’t wear a bra for the session; in addition to to showing up commando style, she is also supposed to carry with her an offering for the man Of God who will then proceed to suck off problems off her chest for an undisclosed timeline.
You can nauseate yourself with the audio below:
So how about we say that Hero Radio is still cooking up audios for a few views? I listened to the audio with my colleagues in the office, we concluded it is as fake as fake comes, for starters, the Nigerian pastor cannot even pronounce his Ibo name leave alone expose his trade on a phone call to a stranger. So I sat here at the office and though: So we have a church now where you can have your breasts sucked?
Hero Radio peeps should just grow up or take their twisted fake-ass stories to kindergarten kids! Bullshit.