Breaking News! We Are Going To Be Voting Soon! IEBC Sets Date For Next General Elections

The political fever in the country is about to rise a notch higher with the recent developments at IEBC. The elections body has just announced a date for the next elections.

August 8 2017 is the day when the country goes to the ballot for all elective posts. The chairman of the commission has just released the news saying it was in line with all the constitutional requirements and also said the commission is making all the necessary preparations to ensure the exercise is streamlined including a month of voter registration from February 14 to March 15 2017.

Apparently, the Okoa Kenya referendum could also be held then if the commission is done with verifying the signatures and gives a green light to the exercise. Get braced for more political activity and each party shapes up starting January next year.

About this writer:

Liatema Munyu