Breaking: Jaguar’s Range Rover allegedly hit and killed two young men(Photos)
He’s currently busy selling his face and name to the Starehe Constituency electorate in a bid to represent them in Parliament come elections. But even as he’s trying to sell his manifesto, a scandal comes calling
Jaguar, a musician, philanthropist, social activist, President Uhuru’s friend and general celebrity has been thrown into a nasty scandal that may well derail or puncture his bid to represent the people of Starehe In Parliament.
According to a reputable post on Facebook, shared by one Jackson Njeru, the Founder of Facebook Group Buyer Beware, Jaguar’s Range Rover , registration number was involved in a fatal car accident a few days ago and Jaguar is at the centre of it all.
According to the Facebook post, Jaguar’s Range Rover was along the Makutano Sagana Road when it hit two Boda Boda riders, knocked them off the road, sent them flying to the other side and killed them at the spot.
Exactly who the driver was at the time is unclear. In the Facebook post, it is alleged that the high-maintainance car was being driven by a lady ….who it has been established was Jaguars friend.
But after the lady hit the two men on a motorbike, she eventually parked the car by the roadside and then called Jaguar who then showed up and attempted to deviate the truth regarding the accident.
According to the Facebook post, the moment Jaguar showed up, he started claiming that HE was the driver of the Range Rover while witnesses around the area vowed that the car was being driven by A LADY and NOT Jaguar.
And when the parents of one of the men who was KILLED by the careless female driver, who its alleged was flouting traffic rules on the congested Sagana route when the accident happened, paid a visit to the Sagana Police Station, they were told that they needed to come back with witnesses.
And that was the same story when the brother to one of the deceased visited the Station in a bid to investigate more on the death of his brother.
We have the photos of the said Range Rover with the right side of the car mangled and showing signs of a car crash .
And also photos of Jaguar posing next to the SAME car in a past photo.

Our constant calls to Jaguar to get his side of the story on the matter have all gone unanswered.
Here is the post that first appeared on Buyer Beware with photo evidence that it was indeed Jaguar’s car in the accident:
Yesterday around 3pm, along Makutano Sagana high way two young men, Joseph Maingi and Mugo Abdalla lost their lives. They were hit by a vehicle, a range rover sport, registration number KCB 808 J. The eye witness says that the driver was a lady who stopped few metres from the scene. The road is under construction, so the vehicles needed blocking to pave way for other road users and still give time to the constructors. The driver of the said Range rover did not wait in line for cars to be cleared from her side, she was from Sagana heading to Makutano while the two were heading to Sagana. That’s when she hit the duo, who were almost joining the highway.
The ‘boda boda they were using went to one side, while the two young men fell on the other side. They both died on the spot. Jaguar, the alleged owner of the vehicle came around 3.30 and said he was the one driving the vehicle, even though the eye witnesses saw the lady driving it. The policemen from Rukanga police post alerted their counterparts from Sagana who towed the vehicle away. The lady plus Jaguar left for Sagana police station. Later on, the parents to Mugo went to Sagana police station. They were denied the chance to see the vehicle that took away the life of their son. They were told to come with their eye witnesses. Today morning, Kamau, a brother to Maingi went to Sagana Police Station. He was denied a chance to see the vehicle too. He was told they haven’t found the owner of the vehicle. What has changed from yesterday? From the eye witnesses, we managed to get the photos of the car that hit them.