Blogger Cyprian Nyakundi Hits Larry Madowo Below The Belt, Drags Larry’s Mother Into A Nasty Twitter Battle
A single tweet has turned twitter into a war zone between Larry Madowo and ‘Cord bloggers’
It started with a tweet that Larry wrote:
“Show of hands, who else was expecting an explosive list from Raila Odinga and all we got was nothing more than a fart?”
This was a tweet written in connection with the names that Raila had released as people purported to have been the masterminds of the Eurobond saga. According to Larry, Majority of Kenyans were waiting for a mind blowing expose probably touching on the political big shots only to be served a cold, disheartening list of small time people that no one knew.
In a reply to Larry Madowo’s tweet, Cyprian Nyakundi decided to go for the jugular by dragging Larry Madowo’s mother into a tweef gone awry:
Cyprian Nyakundi: “Did you want Raila to name your mother for you go term the list explosive “
The two have been know to be beefing for a while now with Cyprian threatening to sue Larry Madowo who had allegedly slandered him. Invoking someones mother in a tweef was however uncalled for, especially when defending and maintaining a political standpoint.
Its shameful, regressive and primitive.