Bizarre Incident Indeed: See How A Man Killed His Wife Of 3 Days And Buried Her Under His Bed


Nyamira. A sombre mood engulfs the whole village after a baited search finally leads to a grave under a wooden bed in a grass-thatched hat in a remote area of the Gusii region county.

It is after their daughter went missing from their home and was rumoured to have been seen in the neighbourhood with a man believed to have eloped with her. But why was the daughter not seen around doing her chores?

This is what prompted her parents to start a search for the 21-year old lady. Foul play was suspected here after the accused man failed to explain the whereabouts of the newly married woman.

Police were informed of the incident and a man hunt began for the missing woman. It was after this prolonged search that fresh earth was discovered under the man’s bed.

A strange smell hinted that something was happening and the exhuming of the remains of the women began.

The whole village was taken aback when finally it was discovered the man had killed his 3-day wife.

Here is the video courtesy of K24:


About this writer:

Edward Chweya