Beyonce’s ‘Lemonade’ Which Exposes Jay Z’s Infidelity Prompt Single Mother Ciku Muiruri And Cyprian Nyakundi To Dress Down Married Women. Janet Mbugua, Carol Radull Not Spared

If Beyonce with her beauty gets cheated on, who the hell are you to dare think you are immune?? Bey’s ‘Lemonade’ has sparked an interesting discourse in Kenya.

If life gives you lemons, make lemonade, this is the idea behind Beyonce’s sixth album ‘Lemonade’ which is all about ‘female power’ and the cheating dog Jay Z.

Queen Bey alludes that her husband of 8 years is cheating on her and she even hints her own divorce. ‘Lemonade’ has heighten speculation the power American couple is actually breaking up behind the scenes as they were last seen together in public on March 6.

Bey’s ‘Lemonade’ has already got trendsetters in Kenya talking. Daily Nation columnist Ciku Muiruri and Twitter bigwig Cyprian Nyakundi read Kenyan women the riot act.

In his article titled ‘Beyonce’s “Lemonade” Is The Reason Men Should Marry Normal Chics’, Nyakundi stripped Janet Mbugua and Carol Radull whom he accused of being ‘self-seeking entitled bitches’ like Beyonce.

Nyakundi says quadragenarian Carol Radull ‘wasted’ her life as a youth only to settle down as somebody’s wife when she was in her 40s.

“Don’t be like Carol Radull’s husband who married her when she was way above 40 years old. Why settle for someone who wasted her youth while assuming that they had so much to offer, and almost like sizing up various offers of male interest? Marrying a woman over 40 will simply be a burden, because she will be steadily projecting her frustrations on you, breaking down your spirit and diminishing any sign of potential in your life. You will be roped into her game-plan of life, yet we very well know women are not exactly the best strategists and have no long-term view of life.” Wrote Nyakundi in part.

The blogger goes on to chew out Janet Mbugua who he says married her husband as an accessory to her life.

“Do you ever expect Janet Mbugua’s husband to ever scale the heights and achieve greatness in this lifetime? Hell-to-the-no! He’s an accessory in her life. She felt she needed to exit a fast life and he was the unfortunate safety-net that has to contend with competing career aspirations, with her options being far much more than his due to her celebrity. Even the wedding venue (Chaka Place) were donated by her boss Wachira Waruru. He is the flower-girl, who has to play second-fiddle. Poor bastard!”[sic]

For Ciku Muiruri, her advice to Kenyan women following Beyonce’s ‘Lemonade’ was simple; ‘men value admiration more than love.

Yes, lemonade is on fire (making women everywhere want to dump their cheating boyfriend even when they don’t have one). I was enthralled along with the rest of you watching that epic documentary but please, don’t be misled. You simply can’t cut a man’s balls off in public and expect to remain in a happy marriage, even if you’re Beyoncé.

FACT: Wounding a man’s sensitive pride is the most common cause of marriage failure. Not cheating (Queen Bey hasn’t left him) not physical abuse (how many women do we beg to get out of abusive situations?). It’s simply about how you make him FEEL.

Men are not like us. They don’t see love the same way we see it. Quite simply, admiration is food for a man’s soul. He needs to feel admired more than he needs to feel loved. We get it twisted because we care about love more than admiration. So Jay Z will be in awe of his wife and all of her professional accomplishments but she doesn’t want his admiration (she gets that from the the rest of us), she wants his love. On the other hand, Bey will love him with all her soul but he doesn’t really need that, he needs her admiration.” [sic]

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Martin Oduor

Ultimate keyboard ninja dedicated to bringing you the juiciest stories on blogosphere