Benga Maestro Dan Aceda taking Kenyan Music To The Next Level with This Awesome New Track (VIDEO)

When I met Dan Aceda, he shocked me. he is a rather down to earth individual which is unlike most musicians who possess half his talents and have achieved half the levels of success he has. It was at a party for a leading vodka brand at a club situated in town.

Now that i have recalled that, I have just remembered that I owe him a drink. Water or soda Bwana Dan? Anyway, moving right along, he impressed me with his humility. And now he has blown me away with his latest musical offering. The man has outdone himself.

Everything about this new track oozes class. At the risk of sounding like my mother, this track is a touch of pure class. It has that good-life feel to it and is the type of song my brother insists on only listening to when there is premium brandy or scotch around. The tosser!

The track is called “An E Yo” and the video was shot by Brad Braufman and was based in Boston. The video has Dan aceda playing the dapper African gentleman crooning songs to his “nyara”. Yeah, I spit that hot Luo fire!

Anyway, check it out below:



About this writer:

Nwasante Khasiani (Writer)