Before You do Anything Else, You Might Want to Know There is a Hospital Selling Corpses for 50 Bob!
Kenya is really a bandit economy, as the CJ had aptly captures in his more accurate statements on the state of the economy.
Just when you thought you had heard all the weird things that could happen over a week, you still unearth a weirder occurrence that defines your ability to be baffled. While the country was still reeling from the effect of Chase Bank collapse, it has emerged a hospital was busy selling corpses for a little as cheap 50/-.
Apparently, Migori county referral hospital chiefs were making deals with aggrieved families to get the bodies without paying mortuary fees and the 50/- or other amount paid never gets to the hospital.
This announcement was made by tan enraged Governor Okoth Obado who also decried the sale of the hospital’s drugs to the neighboring Tanzania.