BBA Update:The Chase Girls Open Up About Their Violent Past.

Domestic violence is often a subject that most people fear to  talk about and prefer to suffer in silence.Domestic violence can be a vicious cycle that most victims are unable to get out off.
The chase girls Beverly,Cleo and Feza opened up to their housemates giving dark stories about the domestic abuse that they suffered in the hands of their former boyfriends .

“My ex beat me all the time and I struggled to leave. Even when he got arrested for beating me, I took him back because I thought he had changed. It was so difficult but by the grace of a higher power, I managed to leave him before he killed me,” Cleo said.

 Feza mentioned how her violent ex used to beat her and almost  ran her  over with her car!Beverly the other half of the controversial  Bangelo duo narrated how her boyfriend used to beat her into a pulp and had even sneaked her out of a hospital and he was the reason she was in the hospital in the first place !

I hope that the girls speaking out about their violent past will enable other women to be inspired and break out of the cycle.

About this writer:

Sue Watiri