BBA Update: Annabel Worried She Might Be Going Home!

After surviving evictions for the past few weeks, seems the sexy Kenyan now is now worried that she might be evicted out of the Big Brother house this week on Sunday.

Because this week Big Brother decided to only put three housemates up for possible eviction and the total number of votes is 15 votes, yet she is up against the strongest contenders in the game Sulu and Elikem, Annabel’s chances of leaving the Big Brother house are very high.

Last evening, Annabel got some time with Eveva and revealed to her that she is worried about the fact that she she might be going home on Sunday. She was more stressed about the odds quickly stacking up against her because she’s the most likely candidate to be Evicted as she’s up against only two other Housemates whereas there were six others to choose from in past weeks.

The Zambian massage therapist told Annabel that she should just keep the faith in herself and play the game because she is still in the Big Brother house. “We all do not know how Africa will vote,” said Eveva as she tried to console her fellow.


annabel distressed


When you start strong players like Annabel get worried, then you just know that pressure is surely mounting on the housemates as The Chase draws to an end. It goes to show that nobody in Biggie’s House can be sure of anything, even strong characters like Annabel get worried about Evictions from time to time especially because there are no more weaklings to Evict from The Chase anymore.



About this writer:

Jeff Omondi (Writer)